Presentations Group2 Presentation: Buddhism Day


Talk 04; Audio presention by A.D Vander Vliet for the Calagary Life Enrichment Centre on at the Palliser Hotel.
Please note that additional information can be found on

Presentation Outline:

The first selection is for the whole presentation.
It is followed below by selectable subsections of the talk.

1. Meditation:
The Last words of the Buddha:

2. Introduction:
Overview of the presentation.

3. From today back to the Buddha's birth.

4. SeekingSage:
Time travel using the rebirth vehicle (yana).

5. IntoChina:
Mahayana, Pureland and Chan schools.

6. FromChan2Zen: China's contributions to Buddhism.

7. HereAndNow:
The 'Garland of Buddhas' temple in Calgary.

8. MeetingClose: Our 'sangha' experience!
