Presentations Group1 Presentation: Title

The Old Testament.

Talk 8; Audio presention by A.D Vander Vliet for the Calagary Life Enrichment Centre on at the Palliser Hotel.
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Presentation Outline:

The Old Testament:
The first selection is for the whole presentation.
It is followed below by selectable subsections of the talk.

1. Opening:
Three aspects of the Old Testament as Existence Divine revealing.

2. Meditation:
Abram hears the call of his god.

3. Introduction:
Bible's stories, archeology and revelation.

4. Abram's Sojourn:
Abram's direct revelation experience.

5. God's Names:
From El-Ohim to Jaweh.

6. Babylonian Encounter:
The books of Moses defined and an identity cast.

7. Daniel As Hero:
Daniel's example as Anti-Hellenistic hero.

8. Round up:
Summary and conclusion for today.

9. MeetingClose:
Sharing community.
