Global Compass Outline

1. Opening and original statement; Ox herding...

2. Reading from 'Pax Ethnica' as per handout.

3. Accommodation in Existence Divine.
Reference to earlier talks (See dated talks list); E.D. as a way to validate the various traditions in human history, using the aspects of place, time, people and circumstance.

4. Examples (3+) of revealed global traditions.
Referencing the earlier talks (see list) on Hinduism, Buddhism and China as examples of revealed traditions. The + refers to the Amida-Jesus cum Buddha image as proof of religious accommodation.

5. Shared aspects.
Deep Narrative 1 & 2 illustrated the aspects of Identity, Roots, Community, Rules and Law and Origin. These are recognisable, in parts, in the traditions under point 4, above.

6. A Guiding Principle.
The three-way compass guide of 'love', 'consciousness' and 'ethics', each with its cognitive range.

7. A way of seeing.
Suggesting the application of the 'triad' (three-way) principle as guide to gain a perspective on the caste system of East Asia.

The Global Compass A.D. Vander Vliet, '12-11-18 CLEC