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Gospels Elements.


Part One:
Baptism; call of the disciples; ministry in lower Galilee; Rejection in Nazareth; Ministry in Upper Galilee (Tyre and Sidon); Mission of the twelve.
Part two:
Journey to Jerusalem; Entrance to Jerusalem; Temple cleansing; The passion and crucifixion, death and burial. And teachings, parables and healings throughout.


Does not have: birth narrative, sermons, appearances after death. Low level Greek. Local audience in Galilee. One season?
Matthewian has:
Birth narrative, genealogy; flight to Egypt; sermon on the mount. Appearances in Galilee mainly. Addresses the Jewish community. Good Greek.
Lukian has:
Birth narrative; genealogy; journey through Samaria and nine extra chapters; sermon on the plain; appearances in Judea. Above average Greek.
Several journeys between Galilee and Jerusalem; different order; three seasons; Nicodemus; No journey to upper Galilee. Has the 'I am the ...' sayings. Lazarus; Appearances in Galilee. Addresses the problem of Docetism and "the Jews" defensively.
Sets the scene for the missions of Paul 30 years after his passing. Introduces new elements about Paul. Addresses the whole Aegean world of Rome and Athens. Reconciles conflicts and is friendly to the power of Rome. The Acts launch the teachings from the base in Jerusalem, via Antioch into the world of the Roman Empire around Greece, Rome and the Aegean islands.