Humanity's Sacredness

Humanity's Sacredness
CLEC presentation, A.D. Vander Vliet, 2017-03-19.

Opening and welcome:

Talking Points:

  1. Introduction & Examples:
  2. Meaning & Function:
  3. Contemporary Aspects:
  4. Application:

References from Essay:
Desk: C:\Users\Tony\Documents\Essays and Topicals\Humanitys-Sacredness-essayNtalk.docx
1. "Understanding Religion - A thematic approach", Momen, M., 1999, 2009, pp. 277/8.
2. News services 2017-03.
3. "The Sacred & The Profane", Mircea Eliade, 1959; pp.147/8.
4. "the Idea of the Holy", Rudolf Otto, 1923, 1949; pp.2, 3, 6 and 127/7.
5. "The Age of Sacred Terror", Benjamin, D and Simon, S., 2002, pp. 161 and 171.
General reference: "The Sacred Canopy", Berger, P.L., 1967. Sociology, construction.