Mani's Lost Message

Mani's Lost Message
CLEC presentation, A.D. Vander Vliet, 2015-06-14.

Opening and welcome:
Meditation: Reading, see handout; Mani's call. (Text1)
Handouts: Map1: Parthian Empire, ca 60 AD; Map2: Sassanid Empire, 261 AD.
Text 1: Mani's call; Text 2: The Line of Prophets and seal.


  1. Introduction & Beginnings: Mani's birth, times, setting, scholar Ptolemy. ___________________________________________________________________
  2. Mani's place as prophet; Text 2
    - Other prophets:
    - Borrowings
    - Method
    - Influences
  3. The Message: Acceptance and rejection.
    - Conflicts
    - Persecutions
    - Power politics and End
  4. Mani's world view:
    - Foundation; 2 principles; 3 stages.
    - The Intermingling Stage Battle: 3 creations towards salvation.
    - Creation 1: Primal Man
    - Creation 2: Living Spirit
    - Creation 3: Messenger and Ships of Light
  5. Teachings: Path of Light and Knowledge:
    - The Light within and purification
    - Ascend journey and the New World.


Source: A.D. Vander Vliet; CLEC Presentation, Calgary, 2015-06-14
C:\Users\Tony\Documents\Essays and Topicals\Mani-Presentation-Outline.docx