Talk Outline Handout

My Belief So Far


Presentation theme is 'Integration' of our experience as a person and as society.

Reading as meditation: See hand out.

Talking points:

1. Upbringing:
teaching through childhood, youth, adolescence teachings and confession. (the Bible as guide explored.)

2. Secularity:
Loss of faith; search and reject, little crumbs. (telepathy, Life after Life)

3. Transition:
New Thought and new perspectives; Quimby's ideas and practice (healings and ESP), affirmations (Murphy), enablement of one's life.

4. Integration:
In Search of the Sacred (Existence Divine); religions as revelations of Existence Divine; integration of diverse experience in our society and personal lives.

5. Message:
Our responsibility to discover our own revelation using what we know and are able to do. World wide affirmations?