[91-10-16 Lefthand Drawn & written ADV]
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This is the first left hand drawing made and is a single page:
At the time I started my left hand work, 1991-10, its purpose was to lend expression using crayons and construction paper of what ever came to me as an inspiration. I drew when I felt the urge to do so. At the time that I started this work, many images and also text came into expression. Later on, the need to express became less accute, but it has remained over the years.
All the drawings are dated making it possible to note the fluctuation in the expression process. One of my last drawings is from around 2004, however the five books that are posted here represent my 'Left_hand_Work as I have come to call it, from the very beginning up until the end of Book_5. There are many more such drawings that followed this last one. These remain to be organised even at this date, 2010-07-10.