Book5 Assembly record, typed 2014-02-24, 6 – pm:

1994 – 09 – 18, Monday PM. (at the House of 36th Ave; {SW, #3528})

'On uncovering the work from 91, 'Cave Bearman'! –
and when meditating I discover:

" I have to honour the Cave Bear Man for his/her achievement, not denigrate him as a primitive, but accept him as a link in a chain that makes my conscious as is now possible here & now.

i.e. I have to make him an offering, to assign him value and acknowledge that! Also, I have to work through the work I did in 1991, and give it interpretation.
That is what I need to do,
Signed: T.

1994-12-28 – Wednesday AM at 903-19th Ave SW, Apt 408.

"I am in the right place; Now I must do the right thing" From my meditation at breakfast. I am reading 'Celestial Prophesies'. A gift from Olive. To do the right thing I must tune in to my inner self. That must be combined with the outer experience and memories. My life experience. I must stay with the inner process as much as I stay with & practice the outer process.

The outer process is the one of living in this world. The inner process is the one of attending to feelings, intuition and looking beyond the immediate physical world and tuning in to the experience of the inner world, staying open to it to experience love, hate, anger, compassion, interest, boredom without saying that this is me, but experience them objectively like the sunset, yet valuing them as we have the experience, without identification.

I must not deny or devalue my inner experience. I must appreciate it, value it, love it, nurse it, just like I do outer experience, say washing the car or working on a presentation. I must give it "realness", I must give it existence, that is an act of creation. And men is a creator in this sense.


One thing I need to learn to do is to give to others from myself and not always fear for my own wellbeing or being accepted. I must value what I am and share it

1995-01-16 9:30pm. I have now comverted in assembling book 4 of the symbols book. Book 5 is still to do. I am reading "Matter & Psyche" by Marie-Louise von Franz. In it features synchronicity. To me causal and a-causal connectedness are two orthogonal concepts. Causality explains what has been created/ exists, a-causal & synchronicity in particular is an act of creation, of new things coming into existence. Both are needed to describe and interpret our world ←:

1995-01-17; 9:00pm It is 9:00pm as I mount this last sheet in Book 5, of the Book of Symbols. Book 5 is the last Book.
Where will it lead, it still is a mystery to me. Signed: A.D. VanderVliet.
See *:

*2010-05-14, Frid. 10:50pm, Apt 5-330-23 Ave SW Tara Lee, Calgary. Today I finished imaging book 5 and this page and filing the .jpg files on my computer for my website! I am writing + giving talks on 'Existence Divine' the outcome of this process, started in 1991!

And in the theme of the above record tradition I now may add, that this very page is being typed to be made legible on my website on this day 2014-02-24, at the completion of the web posting of the five books of "The Book of Symbols" last Saturday.
