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Left Hand Work Book One - MaxRes Draft.

[In-image text shown thus throughout.]

Title page. Opening page for the five book collection.

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Title Page
Title page.

[SYMBOLS BOOK of/by A D Van der Vliet Left Hand. This 1994-11-14.]

This Title Page added in 1994, which was the time when the first book was being assembled with the earlier drawn images which all are dated, with a few exceptions. 

Entry Two: 'The Miz'

The female
The Miz.

[91-10-16 Lefthand Drawn & written ADV]

This is the first left hand drawing made and is a single page:
At the time I started my left hand work, 1991-10, its purpose was to lend expression using crayons and construction paper of what ever came to me as an inspiration.

Entry Three: Dream Scenes (8) and Descriptions.
Dream Scene 1 of 8.


[1/8   91-10-17   THE ELEVATOR RIDE 100 FLOORS DOWN
Scene 1   ADV.   Drawin BY RIGHTHAND.]

First paragraph of this entry of dream scene one of three. See page four below for lhw comments on this scene 1.

Dream Scene 2/8

The Guide.

[Scene 2 2/8 The Hand* of my guide & officer
Left H. A.D.V

Note the asterisk (*) indicating the arm of the guide.