Left Hand Work Book One.
2014-01-31: This 2014-lhbookproto1

Book_one Content

Content Book 1
Content Book_1
  1. (pp.1-20 | Content Symbols Book_1 first of five)
  2. Entry 1-p1. Title page of the books.
  3. Entry 2-p2. The Female … Later the Miz'. (91-10-16)
  4. Entry 3-p3. Dream scenes: The elevator & Bar/school 8.pp. p. 2-11
  5. Entry 4-p12. Dream interpretation 7pp.
  6. Entry 5-p13. The Split Heart Series.
  7. Entry 6-p14. Writing of/on Split problem.
  8. Entry 6-p15. Thought for the day - (Meditation) & Arab & Jew notes.
  9. Entry 7-p16. Conflict Resolution True & False and TexT pages.
  10. Entry 8-p17. Hard core facts (91-10-20)
  11. Entry 9-p18. The Heart composition of cut construction Paper.
  12. Entry 10-p19. Content in handwriting.
  13. Last page:20 Left blank.


  1. Q: Who is the author?
  2. A: A.D. Vander Vliet

  3. Q:What is the Purpose of this Work?
  4. A: At the time I started my left hand work, 1991-10, its purpose was to lend expression using crayons and construction paper of what ever came to me as an inspiration. I drew when I felt the urge to do so. At the time that I started this work, many images and also text came into expression. Later on, the need to express became less accute, but it has remained over the years.


The drawing of these images and other work had its start when I was shopping for the family groceries in the former local Safeway store near 17th street and 34th avenue sw, in South Calgary. The time was the fall of 1991 when I was using up accumalated holiday time from my work in the previous years with my employer, Sait as it was called at the time.

All the drawings are dated making it possible to note the fluctuation in the expression process. One of my last drawings is from around 2004, however the five books that are posted here represent my 'Left_hand_Work as I have come to call it, from the very beginning up until the end of Book_5. There are many more such drawings that followed this last one. These remain to be organised even at this date, 2010-07-10.


  1. Q. When this first book assembled?
  2. A:This book put together over days 94-12-08 to 29. (First Christmas in the Apartment condo at 408, Wellington Place, 903 19th ave, sw, Calgary).

  3. Q. How do I enlarge the image?
  4. A: Hover over the image with the mouse, if the hand shows click on it. An enlarged image will pop up in a sepearte browser window. Close this window when you are ready to return to the entry it self.

  5. Q. How to zoom the image in the browser's enlargment?
  6. A:Select -view- in the browser window menu bar. In its pulldown select -zoom- and zoom-in and zoom-out options are presented for you to select. Try using the ctrl+ and the ctrl- simultaneous key combinations to bypass the menu pulldowns. These are very handy shortcut keys to deploy (use)!

  7. Q. How do the entries differ?
  8. A: Some are a single image page, some a text page, others entries have several image and text pages, such as entry three in this book.

  9. Q. What about the hard to see images and text?
  10. A: The use of different colours was a part of the inspiration process at composition time of the image in question. Such processes must not be critically judged by saying for example 'this is not a colour of sufficient contrast'! This would interrupt the creative process and make it dry up.
    In order to address the resulting viewing problem, I am in the process of making overlays that match and enhance the originals. In addition I intend to add image comments where needed as I work with this web presentation.

  11. Q. How many added items will there be for a single page?
  12. A: Each page will have the original and this may be all. If the original is difficult to make out, look for the 'overlay image' or the 'enhancement'. In addition to these two images there may also be a commentary available, when I judge the entry to be unclear.
    There are some entries that have only written text and no images. As a standard, I expect to have three items per page: the original, the enhancement and the commentary.

  13. Q. How is this collection organised?
  14. A: Each image has a date written as a part of the art work it self. So the overall order is sequential in time, but there are many dates that have no entry when no artwork was procuced, while there are a few with several entries for the same date.
    The collection starts with book one and preceeds from there in time. In this web presentation catalogue I aim to present the first five books. These are made up of about one hundred (100) images all together. The books themselves have no theme of their own, but simply act as containers of images.
    In addition to the images in these five (5) books there are at least as many in the 'loose leaf' collection, all awaiting mounting and maybe posting. First comes book one at the time of this writing, 2010-07-11, the Sunday of the 2010 FIFA world cup; sad to say that my old country lost.
    [However, they did so with honour and will be back an other day. Canada stands at rank 70 or so, but the plans are in the works for three training centres.]

  15. Q. Why is the work called Left_Hand_Work?
  16. A: This is because I drew the images using my left hand. At the start I used colour crayons, later on colour pencils. See the preamble in the introduction, where I narate the events leading up to me starting this 'Left_Hand_Work'.

[In-image text shown thus throughout.]

Opening page for the five book collection.

Starting Page
Opening page image

[SYMBOLS BOOK of/by A D Van der Vliet Left Hand. This 1994-11-14.]

This page was made up at that time when the first book was being assembled with the earlier drawn images which all are dated, with a few exceptions. 

Entry Two

The female
Entry Two: 'The Miz'

[91-10-16 Lefthand Drawn & written ADV]

This is the first left hand drawing made and is a single page:
At the time I started my left hand work, 1991-10, its purpose was to lend expression using crayons and construction paper of what ever came to me as an inspiration. I drew when I felt the urge to do so. At the time that I started this work, many images and also text came into expression. Later on, the need to express became less accute, but it has remained over the years.
All the drawings are dated making it possible to note the fluctuation in the expression process. One of my last drawings is from around 2004, however the five books that are posted here represent my 'Left_hand_Work as I have come to call it, from the very beginning up until the end of Book_5.
There are many more such drawings that followed this last one. These remain to be organised even at this date.

Entry Three: Dream Scenes and Descriptions:

Dream Scene 1 of 8.

[1/8   91-10-17   THE ELEVATOR RIDE 100 FLOORS DOWN
Scene 1   ADV.   Drawin BY RIGHTHAND.]

First paragraph of this entry of dream scene one of three. See page four below for lhw comments on this scene 1.

Dream Scene 2/8

[Scene 2 2/8 The Hand* of my guide & officer
Left H. A.D.V

Note the asterisk (*) indicating the arm of the guide.

Bar/CLUB scene, Scene 3

[Bar/CLUB scene, Scene 3 3/8
I DRINK TO MY COMPANION & GUIDE 91-10-17 Left Hand ADV *!?]

The illegible sign in the right hand bottom corner (shown as *!?) I make out to be an attempt to get the notion of 'left' indicated. This I found not satisfactory and added a clearer 'Left Hand' above my initials ADV.

Panel 4 dream relating text

[Dream 91-10-16/17 4/8 see Drawings scenes 1,2&3.
The mounties come fo\r me at the office. We take along ride down. I stop the elevator with a spray. We are at floor 45. The other guy fixes what I did, then we go down again.]

No Comments.

Scene 2 panel 5.

[Scene 2.   5/8 The officer guides me on my left, not with handcuffs, but with a powerfull guiding on my left.
The hand facinated me. It gives we a very good feeling.
This hand is a source of strength to me.
We walk on the right is the police school,]

No comment.

Scene 2 panel 6

[Scene 2, cont'd.   6/8
I explain to the officer that guides me '|* scene 3' We go in. It turns out to be a club. All haughty taughty, aloof people. I feel uncomfortable. We get a drink. The bargirl hands me the drinks. She says: I AM Miss. I make sure my companion gets the]

No Comments.

Scene 3 panel 7

[Scene 3. cont'd   7/8
larger glass. I offer him the most comfortable seat. I raise my glass to toast.
"To MY FRIEND", I Say to my own surprise.   Now my friend starts to praise the value of a polytechnique:"It is a multiversity, all those diffe-]



[Scene 3 cont'd   8/8
rent careers are very important."
To my surprise, this sofisticated crowd agrees.
__ __ __
I wake up, feeling content and happy, at peace.
    End.   ]

Comments: None.

Entry Four: Dream Interpretation


This is the front page of seven pages of written text that will be made available seperately. See the Full Text button once it is there!!
I may try to use the scanner as a way to get these handwritten pages to be displayd. File size may be a problem.

Entry Five: Split Heart Image

The 'Split Heart Image'

[91-10-18   A.D.V.
FREE DRAWINg   Left hand. {The text in red intermingles with the white and black coloured text as follows:
The red text:} The   shape that Heals the SPLIT.
{The bl & wt text:} The conscious.]

This can be read as: 'The conscious shape that heals the split', where that conscious shape it the conscious heart.
However, I can also read it as follows: 'The conscious heart-as-shape=word the shape that heals the split.' This way the image of the heart is read as the word for its drawn shape, intermingling image and text like a re-bus puzzle. This latter interpretation is the one I recall to be the right one.

Entry Six: Split Heart Text



This text is an interpretation of the 'split heart' image of the previous entry all of the same date. Its texed will be scanned at least and mabe rewritten. This is to come later.

Entry Seven: Thought for today

Thought for today

[Thought for to day.   91-10-19   ADV_left hand.]

To be scanned and retyped.
This entry is a reaction to my reading of the New York Times middle east correspondent D. Shipler's book titled: 'Arab and Jew, wounded souls in the promised land.' ??

The notes.


Notes relating to the same above.

Entry Eight: Conflict resolution, 15 pp text.

Conflict Resolution

[91-10-20/1 Sunday. Derrick's Birthday.
Conflict Resolution, True & False]

This consists of 15 pp of handwritten text which refers to the image 'Hard core facts' shown in entry nine. These two need to be taken together. The text is not avaible at this time 2010-07-12.

Entry Nine: Hard Core Facts

Hard Core Facts

Amoebe Like Stories
maup the basis for Revisionist
{right side vertical:}everyB{ody=drawn image}   91-10-20 4:AM From a Dream
{left side vertical:} Go FIND THEM FOR YOUR OWN SAKE.]

See the text of entry above (eight) which relates to this dream image.

Entry Ten

Construction paper Heart


There is no text with this image and no date, but it was constructed around the time of the accompanying entries.

Entry Comments & Book One content and End.



This content was written up in the fall of 1994, when this Book_1 was assembled. The typed out version of this handwriting is found under 'content' in the navigation bar of at the top of this web page.