Left Hand Work Book Three - des14

[In-image text shown thus throughout.]

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Title Page
Title page.

[SYMBOLS BOOK of/by A D Van der Vliet Left Hand. This 1994-11-14.]

This Title Page added in 1994, which was the time when the first book was being assembled with the earlier drawn images which all are dated, with a few exceptions. 

Entry One: Cave Dream.

[The Shift Ghange.
The men
The Women
AD-LH 91-11-03/1]

Comment: The little guy wielding sword and shield is me.
Note the dark 'figure' in the background.

The Scavenger

[The Scavenger & I meet
A.D LH. 91-11-03/2]

Comment: The dark figure appears to be the scavenger.
I draw myself in blue and not the red of the previous frame.


[The Redman with the face injury.
AD-LH 91-11-03/3]

Comment: The icecream cone appears odd as an instrument of injury, but that is how it was.

Road Smoother

[The Terrefying Road Smoother.
AD-LH 91-11-03/4]

Comments: Notice the two lying figures in the recess.


[Deam Description.
Starts=scene 4.
AD LH-91-11-03 (1) ]

Comment: Text is left as is for now.

Description 2

[ Dream Description: 2
AD LH -91-11-03]

Comment:Comment: Text is left as is for now.


[No left hand written text in this instance.]

Comments: Interpretation & Dream work
p.1, Cavern Dream; Scene 1;
p.2, Scene 3;
p.3, Analysis:;
p.4, Aside.
Fifth page: Journal 91-11-03. Sunday.
In the journal page I call the dream: "The Cave of the Inner Caverns"!

Entry Two: Orthodoxy

The Onion

[Onion skin
peel hard core penis TIP strong
Tower Frame
centering RECEIVING
Orthodox Christian
AD-LH 91-11-06/1]

Comment: The word 'RECEIVING' is printed in white below 'Orthodox Christian'.


[The flames of my heart penetrate the Sky like an onion smell permeates the Air..
AD LH 91-11-06/2]



[Accept in Respectful Appreciation.
AD LH 91-11-6/3]


Entry Three: Integrator


[Men as the integrator in the Graal of expreience.
Ad LH. 91-11-10/1 ]

Comment: 'Graal' is Dutch for grail.
I am using felt tips here again. I remember that this choice was motivated by an urge to express more sophistication for certain images.


[The heart is the couldron …
ADLH 91-11-10/2]

Comment: I assume that the text can be read in the enlarged image.


[Atonement to the TARNSCENDENT
1991-11-10. Sunday AM.

Comment: Consult the enlarged image to read the text's first page.

Entry Four: Men Battling

LH printed Text 2.pp

[Men battling Desperation.
91-11-11/1 &2
From page 2:
"The battle is not against the monster, nor in the conquering of hostile nature, but it is the expression of human values in human nature modified. ]

Comment:The above quote is the close of this writing on page 2.

[Men battling Desperation.
AD LH 91-11-11/1]


LH printed text

[As the marsupial held the potential of Men's biology, and survived the many odds, so shall emerge through modern men's battles a conscious person integrating the immanent and transcendent forms of Existence.
AD LH 91-11-11/2]


Entry Five: Thoughts

LH Text

[91-11-17/AD LH 1/2]

Comment: No image available at this time; 2014-02-20

Life Blues

[Daily life BLUES
AD LH 91-11-17/1]

Comment: These two images are joined, the red one is 2/2, as is printed at the bottom edge of the manager's desk.
The 'Projects' chart show on the desk's front panel.
Also note the figure lying on the floor beside the desk or may be standing there!
The chart in front of the manager is dated *91, its shape is like the mount in the yellow left_hand panel!


[Crying the blues …
AD LH 91-11-17/3]


Entry Six: Dark man


[DARKMAN Seeking Admission.
AD LH 91-12-01/1]


LH Text

[Dark Man's Coming.
Constellated in Unconscious rejected by h's cast
the dark side of personhood now seeks expression
in consciousness
at last.
AD LH 91-12-01/2]


LH text

[We don't reject the dark because it lacks value, but because it causes conflict.
AD LH 91-12-01/3]

Comment: Page 63 and the last page with artwork in book3.

Entry Comments & Book ??? content and End.



This content was written up in the fall of 1994, when this Book_1 was assembled. The typed out version of this handwriting is found under 'content' in the navigation bar of at the top of this web page.