Left Hand Work Book4 - des14

[In-image text shown thus throughout.]

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Title Page
Title page.

[SYMBOLS BOOK of/by A D Van der Vliet Left Hand. This 1994-11-14.]

This Title Page added in 1994, which was the time when the first book was being assembled with the earlier drawn images which all are dated, with a few exceptions. 

Entry One: Book3-Eight Continued


[Conflict saps my Energy and prevents me from action. By avoiding or denying the conflict, I fail to value the DARKSIDE.
AD LH 91-12-01/4]

Comment: Entry Six of book3 continues here with panel 4.

[The conflict suffered through Consciousness, is healed through Compassion & Wisdom.
AD LH 91-12-01/5]

Comment: This completes Entry Eight of Book3.

Entry Two: Stacked sheets hanging.

[See Wall hanging dated: 1991-12-08]

Comment: It consist of eight in overlap mounted coloured anotated sheets of coloured construction paper.

Story of Men

[Story of Men AD LH 91-12-08
Men's survival depends
on hir ability to use
hir conscious awareness to strike a working
BALANCE between the aspects of hir Human Nature.]



Comment:This panel shows the figures/stages of evolution in a symbolic way.
It depicts the gradual control of the emotive energy as shown by means of the colour red 'finding its place'.
Also, the black symbolises unconsciousness, where white and blue depict consciuosness and reasoning ability.

Entry Three: Wall Hanging 2

[See Wal Hanging Dated: 1991-12-22]


Hangings 1&2


Comment: Image to follow.

Wall Hanging 2


Comment:All panel five dated at 91-12-22

Tree worship

[AD LH 91-12-22/1]

Comments: Note the moon behind the tree, higher up the sun, with the star at the top.
The human couple is worshippeng the evergreen tree as a symbol of grows and enduring life.

LH Poem

[The Function of …
AD LH 91-12-22/2]

The panel's text should be readable at enlargement.

LH text

[As the seed fructifies the earth brings forth a tree, which penetrates the sky, to bring forth the seeds to be carried by the air to fructify the earth.
Such are the forces of Nature.
AD LH 92-12-22/3]


LH text

[So events fall into the unconscious …
AD LH 91-12-22/4]

The panel's text should be readable at enlargement.

[And the Symbols are…
AD LH 91-12-22/5]

The panel's text should be readable at enlargement.

Entry Four: Six panel Title??


[The HEAD Man of Geometry
ADLH 91-12-29/1]

Six panels in total.


[The Exeption to Chaos is Order
AD LH 91-12-29/2 ]

The text starts {The Exe} at the left hand side of the image, continues along the bottom {ption to Chaos} with {is} in the right hand bottom corner and {Order} going up the right hand side. The signature is along thhe top.
I'll try my photoshop filter techniques to make text and geometry more visible.


[For a share in nature, there…
ADLH 91-12-29/3]



[My/Life is a\my meditation on Reality as I experience it.
A D LH 91-12-29/4]



[A D LH 91-12-29\5]

From my recollection the notion of 'process' emerges as what this image is meant to convey.
You might even say that the white centre in the white outlines, expresses emerging conscious awareness of a new insight.

LH text

[Consciousness & Unconsciousness …
AD LH91-12-29/6]


Entry Five: God

God shows up

[Here is God.
"If I am not to go naked, who's outfit should I put on?"
AD LH 92-01-05/1]


LH text on black

[The Image of the antropomorphic GOD …
AD LH 1992-1-5/2]

Comments: The word GOD is written vertically at the right hand edge.

LH Text on pink

[Today the contradictions in the
expression of GOD in a human form
are strongly felt. Since God has
come down to Earth, Men must
find a solution.
Men must save Hir God, if both are to SURVIVE.
AD LH1992-01-03/3]

Comment:Note the change in text colour from the first thought to the second.

LH text on red

[Men is but a temporary blip in the
in the universe if hesh is to continue
]without orienting Hir Life to
God is but an eternal unknown
in everlasting processes
without MEN to bear Witt-NESS.
AD LH 92-1-5/4

The word MEN is eased in as an insert.


[Men is Witt-Ness to God being All in All.
God gains consciouness through the service of Men to Hir.
In return God is now better able to bless Men.
Swallowing - OR - Emerging
AD LH 92-1-5/6.]

Comment:The uroborus figure surrounds the word 'OR'.
There appears to be no image no:5. Since all amages are always dated, it is most likely that I miss counted when numbering at that time if composition. Maybe the day's date being five I thought there had been a five when I labeled the last image six.

Entry Six: Growth

[The TREE of Growth
AD LH 92-1-12/1]


LH text on blue

[As Men found shelter with The TRee …


LH text on red

[Thru-out the growth, Men
and the power strugglrd
for dominance, each gai-
ning in identiry.
Having gained Identity, We
now need to learn about our
own process and our
nature as Humans.
AD LH 92-1-12/3]

These are notion I am busy with right now, considering them 'recent' insights!

LH text on yellow

[This identity stays Men in the in-…
AD LH92-1-12/4]

Ii the signature I attenpt to make the legs of the letter H lean in to suggest the V as I attach tle letter L as well, making an monogram of sorts!

Entry Seven: The Ego

Duo panels

[The Relation of
The Ego and the Self
AD LH 92-1-19 1/2 (yellow panel); AD LH 92-1-19 2/2 (blue panel) ]

To read the in-image text, start at the far lower left where 'The Rela' is in mirror script. Then, go to the right top for 'tion' next for 'of' on the right top corner!
Move to the top left for 'The Ego' down to 'and' across to 'the' down to 'Self' in th bottom right.
This way we snake across the whole image symbol depicting this relation!

Entry Eight: Human Lot


[Being Wrapped Up in identification& Dis-identification
---- is the Huamn LOT
AD LH 92-1-25]

The sectored circle in the centre may represent the psyches four functions as follows:
Thinking as blue opposite to Feeling as red
Intuition as white to the left, opposing the gray sensing function .
This is the structure suggested by Carl Gustav Jung and applied in the Briggs-Meyers test.
In addition, the hard white and black limit lines in the centre circle, depict the ever presence of the conscious and uncounscious aspects in our experience and functioning, as 'Our Human Lot'!

Entry Comments & Book Four content and End.



This content was written up in the fall of 1994, when this Book_1 was assembled. The typed out version of this handwriting is found under 'content' in the navigation bar of at the top of this web page.