2013-01-16; 9:30am, Wednesday. Bright, yet overcast and still ‘chinooky’ type weather. Diary: Curriculum retiring and fuzzy concept space. ~~Sleep interrupted by a contemplation on curriculum, followed by later thoughts about the meaning of curriculum, fuzzy logic and concept space all with a side swipe at Calvinism!~~ I am up later lately [sic], but I tell myself: ‘I AM retired’ and I retire at around midnight. During the night last nite, I also woke up for a bit and on some contemplation, recalling my directive “make an explicit formulation of ‘Existence Divine’” from yesterday, it occurred to me that I should think in terms of ‘curriculum’. That is familiar to me, as I recalled my designing the curriculum for my programmes in Photogrammetry and later Surveying. Curriculum implies teaching and progressive learning towards an objective. So far the night contemplation, now I have to look up the accurate meaning of this latin word. However, in order to finish the little discussion on my getting up and so forth, I am very task oriented still and realise that I should lighten up on this regimen of mine to have to do all these ‘things’ in order to be found worthy in my own eyes. This attitude may well be a residual of my Calvinistic upbringing. Last night I already received a reply from Howard on my encyclick ‘2012 Review in progress’, they will be on a winter break. I still miss them both, but we each are doing well where we live, be that Comox or Calgary for me. Curriculum means ‘course’ and this can be of study or of your life as in ‘Curriculum Vitae’; the latin goes back to ‘running’ and ‘course’. It is the sequencing of the material towards a certain objective that would be essential; such as in ‘a course of study’, which makes a perfect English language description of the intended meaning. And I may add, this also fully describes the intended purpose in my case. I do not want to have a collection of loosely related topics that do not lead to a developed concept space, as I have called that my writings of mid last year. At that time I was applying concepts from Linear Algebra to belief frame works and looking for ‘independent vector basis’ within the concept space. Such an independent set would be necessary and sufficient to describe each concept in that space. A belief frame work is of course a ‘living construct’ like language is also, which both change with time and use. However, that does not mean that we cannot find some structure and order in such a space. The space does not have to be ‘fully ordered’ as it in Linear Algebra, much like ‘fuzzy’ space like in ‘fuzzy’ logic. The process of evolution is also ‘fuzzy’ like that, because we still are not able to predict the missing species that we keep discovering! I am now in danger of extrapolating these thoughts and apply them to my idea that ‘existence is mystery’, as I read in my misplaced writing of 2012-03-20 which I mentioned yesterday. We can explain some things in our world of experience, but not all that we are aware of. Writings: Transcription of page thirteen 13 in the Desk-Tech notebook. ~~Aspects of reincarnation, integration, existence and revelation.~~ p.13 Also: It follows that the lifetime’s emotions and memories must not be repressed, but be integrated first before those of earlier lives can become available, - that is come over the threshold of repression. That order of recall is a ranking based on intensity and not chronology. That is a suggestion on my part to keep in mind in the retrieving process. [] = Additional new thought now. [The ‘end’ of this retrieval process is continuity in awareness about past lives and so a resource in conducting one’s life at the present time.] {Below follows transcription of notes made in pencil}: ‘99 -’00 Re-incarnation + 3 principles (E weg - Emot - Inegr) 2002/3 à end up being focussed on Gnostics. (Zeist’s (NL) library) + book from Hiltje + {one from} Jeltsje ‘06 - Existence Divine -- Preceding from my secular era: ‘80 à 99 1) What exists is random combinations - some very short, some very long. The stable ones we notice and experience. 2) The[re] is no need for beginning and end of the universe - it has always been is an equally valid assumption and simpler. ‘06- ‘11 Religions are revelations of Existence Div. In Time, place, people and circumstance. p.14. <10:36am~