2013-01-30; 7:40am, Wednesday. Dark, about -15dC, but no wind. Winter! However, the heat and the lights are on! Diary: RIM-day, upgrading sound files and social contact. ~~RIM’s new BB-10 BlackBerry will be unveiled today, a template for updating the 2010 audio files is coming closer and Michelle says hello.~~ Today is RIM’s BlackBerry day! The new BB-10 - hardware and software -will be unveiled to the public and all the eyes are on this event, with expectations and apprehensions highly tuned as to what will appear. I expect a solid showing that will arrest the freefall and be the foundation to build on, but it will still be a struggle to move up in the market. I see this as a comeback event, Heinz - the president - is German Canadian and he will be thorough, more like Microsoft and less Apple like. Yesterday I worked some more on upgrading my 2010 audio files. I am getting closer to defining a template for this upgrade to HTML5. One aspect I am still not clear on is how to update the html markup at a later date, by means of using a script that addresses the markup using the ‘Document Object Module’ - DOM - technique. For example, how would I insert the anticipated element ‘main’ to be released later, into the already formed and placed document that lacks this ‘label’. To do this manually for one file is no problem, but I have now twenty seven (27) audio files, not to mention the hundreds of Daily Entry files. The latter have php-includes and I can probably affect changes by means of a javaScript file that could be inserted into that common auto page header. Maybe I could at this stage just include a dummy include that puts the file name in place linking to a named, but non-operational file. I suppose I could experiment with this! I stayed inside yesterday, but chatted with Michelle who dropped by to say hello. John called me on Monday and we chatted for some time, since I am not walking to downtown to meet up for coffee at the moment. Once I have some feedback from Steve, I may decide to use the bus instead of walking all the way. I intend to stick my nose out of the door and make a short shopping trip. To morrow will be warmer, but probably more slippery. A short writing on violence is planned for my ‘Writings’ of today. Writings: A proposed aetiology of violence. ~~An analysis of the cause of violent behaviour and its possible prevention, acknowledging that violence is itself an outcome and not a cause.~~ The phenomenon of violence has had my attention for a long time. Most people say they are against it, but yet it is tolerated quite a bit in our societies and it is certainly not an isolated, but rather pervasive in the behaviour for individuals, governments and in held convictions as well. Violence is disapproved off and considered an act of will. You just have to stop being violent! This command is considered the cure. This is totally ineffective once violence has started. I find that violence, like a labour strike has to run its course. It is as if the energy levels have to be drawn down, before communication can take place again. So, this morning the idea occurred to me to look at violence as an outcome, a diagnostic of something. Most opinions assume an underlying wish for violence, a desire to be violent. This idea I want to suspend as possible maybe, but not typical. If we take violent behaviour to be an outcome, then we have to ask after the cause. I am suggesting here that we assume an aggregate of accumulated frustration, hurts, anger and suppressed creativity. This results in the interference with the conscious function of control, because no adaptations are made over time. So, violence then becomes like a dam-burst, it cannot be stopped once started. It can only be prevented by good judgement and due diligence, taking into account the vicissitudes of our own human nature. So, when and where we see a situation of frozen or inferior adaptation in our human society, we should read the warning signs and act on them, inconvenient as that may be. Inconvenience is much better and cheaper than violence. Are you threatening me?, someone may ask. The answer here is that we, as a society, may put our selves under threat, at risk, of violence and that such a possibility should be recognised and acted on. The pay off is in lower insurance payments! <8:13am, continuing at 8:43am> An additional observation follows relating to the development of human consciousness in the regard to managing emotions. We know from modern brain research that the neo-cortex (ratio) and the amygdala (emotions) communicate and that the cortex is able to modify the emoted reactions. This is learned behaviour, accumulated over time - centuries -. The amygdale’s reactions are registered in the heart as feelings. This is how we know. When I am in a situation where I keep accumulating repressed - read unprocessed - emotive reactions to events in my life, it will diminish my ability to manage such emotive powers. Postponed emotive experiences do not go away or diminish with time, that is a misconception. Postponement is adaptive in the sense that a later date may be more favourable for the processing of the suppressed emotion, but it will slowly become less acute and more difficult to retrieve. So, some discipline is good, but too much will leave too many emotions unassimilated, which will interfere and eventually over ride the discipline. And that is when the emotions will flood over the dam of discipline, causing events to run a course of their own until the emotive energy is dissipated. Curtailment of the violence is the best we can hope for, once it starts. The wise and compassionate leader will be willing to read the warning signs and not just be occupied by his or her own goals, ambitions and interests and be courageous enough to act even-handedly. <9:06am and 9:41am edited.~