2013-02-07; 10:10am, Thursday. Chinook is here, not Shihanouk, king of Cambodia who passed away this week. The afternoons are spring like, with the sun out and no wind either! Dry though. Diary: Medical visit and late coffee with Shirley. ~~Musings about the functioning of out medical community and services as I age and relating about a evening cultural coffee with Shirley.~~ Late out of the gate today, but it was 0:00 midnight when I went to bed and was up too yet from 5:30 to 6:45am. At supper time, Shirley had called to meet for a coffee at the new ‘Wave’ place at 9th st and 17th ave. This we did and it was about eleven pm when I got home. As usual, our topics ranged from family, via a little politics, some health topics and our activities. We do quite well in our discussions and this time Shirley had brought the book “Shakespeare’s Restless Worlds” to lend a cultural fragrance to our meet, since such is to be the theme of our monthly meets. I did see my physician yesterday on the results of the x-ray examination. I have some ‘degeneration’ of some discs, but that was not that new. It is clear to me that at my age, the medical system is not prepared to spend much money on further diagnostics, treatments or prescriptions. After some negotiating I did get a referral to a physio office nearby and some muscle relaxation prescription, but it was like asking for favours; ‘good luck’ were his parting words. I’ll say one thing in favour of my medical man, he does not go in for vague treatments. He also realises that some things may cure with time and that we humans cannot prevent the body from loosing its capabilities as we age. So, I’ll see what the physio-s say and will keep in mind the advice from my orthopaedic specialist back in 1996, ‘ let’s first see what mother nature will do’, just rest and no treatment of any kind. So, rest will be my main aim, as my present doc also suggested. Writings: An affirmation experiment. ~~I formulate an affirmation to improve and heal my discs using proven knowledge and techniques in a novel combination.~~ During this early morning’s break, I had awoken with some interesting thoughts. This amounted to a combining some of Quimby’s (P.P. 1803-1866) observations, ‘man is his belief’, the power that affirmations can have and some modern concepts of our physical world. Here goes. Our bodies are ‘bombarded’ continuously by thousands of particles and wavelets as long as we live. This is an unfocussed activity. We also know that extrasensory perception and power is available to some humans, as Quimby also reported. The affect of affirmations is confirmed today by fMRI research in relation to meditation. And then there are the field effects as reported separately by Lynne McTaggart and by Dean Radin. My own ideas and experience have convinced me that human conscious abilities are a work in progress ever since we left the continent of Africa, as can be observed our world culture today. In addition I hold that we humans interact creatively with the world in which we live, forming and shaping it as we participate. Combining these thoughts, ideas and observations this morning I came up with the following formulation. Why not combine what we know and has been demonstrated to work and apply the following affirmation to my current disc problem as follows: “As a participating participant in Existence Divine, I focus the cosmic radiation energies and particles to form into a creative healing force affecting the DNA of my vertebra discs, restoring their natural condition and function, enabling the full range of my body movement.” This affirmation combines modern knowledge with the proven affirmation technique in a consciously focussed manner. I know this is an experiment, but like I said above, consciousness has hidden and unrealised powers, so there is no harm in trying and it may produce some interesting results. Aristotle never tested his opinion that the heavy object falls faster then the light one and it took Galileo to show his error many centuries later. So, opinions need to be tested and examined where that is possible, and I have set out on this particular one today. <11:08am; 11:41am edited~