2013-02-15; 9:10am, Friday. Partly cloudy, bright and mild at ca+6dC today! Diary: Valentine remembered and old 2010 html upgraded. ~~I collect some thoughts on Valentine and my early html work of 2009 and pre fall 2010.~~ The October weather was the coldest so far this winter season, but that happened also in 1973 from what I recall. That was our first year here from Southern Ontario and we wondered then what the low would be in coming January. It never did beat the -23dC of that 1973 October. I had coffee with John, but took the bus to travel, since my leg is not up to such a long walk from here to down town. I still had to walk about four blocks from and to the stops, which gives me some looked for exercise. I brought my card and the heart shaped macaroons for him and family. They were off to the Coupe for a family dinner that eve. That was the extend of my Valentine this year. I thought maybe I would hear from some of my friends, but did not. I just wanted to see what would happen, because others like to be treated at Valentine’s as I have done in the past. More work remains to be done on the handout files for some of the Audio-Presentation category files. Each set of these handouts varies with the audio file in question. And every one of them needs extensive revisions from that early - should I say crippled - 2010 html markup style. That was before I took my courses in web design and markup starting later that Fall of 2010. I thought I was doing pretty well at the time! Little did I know! And I did know little indeed. Writings: Talk description and the utility of held ideals. ~~A tentative description for my next talk, followed by insights about ideologies that order our experience, but needing change.~~ Last night late, I managed to compose the following description for the April talk: ‘My Belief Explored: Discovering new views and beliefs of origins, evil and good, the god image and the significance of human experience.’ Reading it now, I still find it ‘too heavy’ and will have to work on a lighter version of it. Lighter in the sense of more appealing and inviting to be discovered! Yesterday’s notion that an ideal is a simplification of reality that allows us to act in the world of our upbringing has a lot of utility. By providing this order the adopted cum taught belief framework orders our experience world. This enables me to spend time on the tasks - ideals - at hand, instead of having to spend time and energy on figuring out what to do when my world is not so ordered. This standpoint also allows for resistance to change, because such change threatens the present order requiring attention and energies to be redirected from established objectives to new and unproven ones. To put it in elemental form, we are talking about risk avoidance, when there is resistance to change. So, an ideal cum ideology orders the world of my experience enabling me to function in it, while change to that ideal threatens this known functioning ability that I have. If it works, don’t fix it! That is the way dictators operate, with its long term outcomes demonstrated in former Yugoslavia 1990, Libya and now Syria and were so in France back in ca 1790. Changing times require changes in ideals, ideologies or held beliefs and that is required the world we live in today. But, how much change and what kind is difficult to determine, involving experimentation in practice. This, because our knowledge may be there, but the practical skills of implementation are rudimentary - military intervention and/or sanctions. We are still - from old views and habits - jockeying for relative political advantages, where we should be making common - global - cause. The latter would prevent much suffering by those who live under and below the safe few who are at the power levels of our political structures, removed from the violence of resistance to change. <10:08am and 10:36am edited.