2013-02-22; 8:43am, Friday. Clear, sunny and mild! Where is our winter weather? Diary: Daily entries resumed, audio files completion and seniors housing. ~~Back in the saddle with my Daily Entries, audio files completed, almost. A visit to a senior facility and our new evening course with CLEC.~~ It has been a whole week since I made a Daily Entry! I’ll blame it on last Monday’s Family Day holyday; it interrupted this daily routine and I liked that too much! This is actually true for Tuesday, but on Wednesday and Thursday morning I spent many hours going over Elisabeth’s draft report of sixty pages. Yesterday afternoon I visited a friend from the ‘Centre’, Calgary Life Enrichment Centre that is. Shirley lives in a self serve retirement apartment building. It is comfortable from what I saw, but I would not be able to fit half my stuff in the five hundred and fifty (550) square feet. I now have about six fifty, if not more, however the reduced rent expense is attractive. Time to think things over and look around some more. However, I suspect that this so called ‘senior housing’ is all the same to a large extend. Also important is the location and access to the neighbourhood shops. This will be hard to beat in my case, living in Mission as I do. All the audio presentation file handouts are now up to date, with the complex China presentation being the gate closer. Those handout files were all quite different among themselves and the template approach was not all that effective. Many needed their own style sheets due to these individual differences. But, it does my proud that they are now at html5 standard, up from the 2010 early home made styling that I used at the time. I thought that was pretty good, but little did I know until the Fall of that year, when I started my first course in web design! It took five courses in total to get me where I am now, much time and many $$! Two tasks remain for the audio files. One is the insertion of some missing talk openings and the other is the development of a new design for the catalogue of the audio presentations. This collection keeps growing and is now at twenty seven (27) in total. I tried out a display-table structure to replace the present definition list structure. Long lists are annoying, as they require much scrolling and are not efficient in displaying the available choices to the user. Last Wednesday evening we met again at the Palliser to take in the first of five evening session with Herman leading the way. This time the title is ‘Unconscious Cosmos, Subconscious Self’, a bit an the heavy side, but that comes with the territory. I may comment on the course after next Wednesday’s session under Writings at that time. Writings: The significance of the human experience and the orderability of experience. ~~In preparation for my next talk, titled ‘My Belief Explored’, I make a first attempt at defining its closing idea, which addresses the human experience. It is defined as a discovery process in which order is discovered as a perception.~~ It is nine forty (9:40) am and time for a coffee break, but I do want to make a start with this writing. In it I will aim to express some ideas with which I intend to close my upcoming talk on April twenty one (21), titled ‘My Belief Explored’. That last part of that talk addresses the ‘significance of the human experience’. This will have as central notion that we humans live in a state of mutual interaction as participants in the mystery of ‘Existence Divine’. We are engaged in a process of creative discovery emerging into conscious awareness as we go. We are not fulfilling some prearranged destiny that needs to be discovered, one where we have meaning and destiny handed to us or defined for us. <9:55am; 9:50> The coffee is brewing! I have arrived at this notion of mutual interactive emerging after much thought over my life time. A process that is not mutual in the becoming will be one sided and that reduces, if not removes the responsibility of the human in its process of being and becoming. I see the human not predestined to anything, but as engaged in a process of discovery of ‘the possible’ in the human realm within Existence Divine. Unique to this human endeavour is our ability to consciously undergo suffering and consequently discover and formulate ethics to modify our own behaviour. This is uniquely human according to me and as such is our contribution to Existence Divine, a mystery in which we make discoveries and creatively define our human existence. 10:09am; the coffee calls;10:22> A coffee thought addition in closing. The order that we as humans have discovered in what we call nature, is the discovery of a perception of order. It is not an order that is there on its own account all the time, but we just did not know about. So, we humans discover that our world of experience is ‘orderable’, but only in certain cases. For example, weather can be predicted, but not for a whole year in advance or even for a BBQ on Victoria day in 2013, which is only three months away. So no a priori order or laws of nature, only perceptions of orderability. This view removes the necessity for a source or cause - the unmoved mover of Aristotle - of this order in nature or its so called laws. As to the question where all things would come from, the answer is that Existence exists, is mystery and we are in it. Existence Divine, because as a human I am not able to comprehend that it is there and here and that I am in it; the necessity of this existence is a mystery, hence Existence Divine. <10:42am~