2013-03-20; 8:59am, Wednesday. Partly cloudy, bright and mild. Happy Spring Equinox day, as Spring starts some time on this date. Diary: Loose ends. ~~Spring starts, our course with Herman ends, a moved physio, a new book, a needed hair cut and no coffee.~~ I am not sure about making a daily entry for today, but since it is the beginning of Spring, I wanted to honour the event with even a small entry. Tonight will be the last class of the five that we attend at the Palliser and is offered by Herman. This course is about ‘Unconscious Cosmos and subconscious self’, with last week’s session being on dreams. That is what got me going on looking into my Edifice dream as I have done in the last few entries. I went to investigate the physio referral that Steve, my doc gave me, but the have moved to near the Foothills Hospital. I want somebody who is closer by. There must be some one in my district, I’m sure. Yesterday ‘Shelf-Life Books’ phoned that my book on ’Religion and Politics in US’ has come in. It won the Charles Taylor prize recently. I am going to the barber today, because the day will be mild and I need a cut. I’ll see weather I can meet up with John, while I’m in that neck of the woods. And I just phoned, but the coffee is a no go and I may just go this aft then. Writings: Wholeness in diversity and my Edifice dream combined. ~~I combine the insight of ‘wholeness in diversity’, the Edifice dream and an emerging notion of required work and resources towards a required global integration.~~ There is a relation between my concept of ‘wholeness in diversity’ and the Edifice dream’s image of ‘circled groups’ - representing religions - inside that building. An earlier notion was that this ‘wholeness’ is going to take a lot of work on our part as humans to bring this about. That realisation was starting to dawn on me a few days before I had the mentioned dream. Now, this dream appears to confirm this need for work to get those circled groups cum religions to work together, to acknowledge each other even. Consequently, as I was having my pre and post breakfast - Red River porridge - coffees, I started to realise that my phrase and affirmation ‘Wholeness in Diversity’ is an ideal to strive for ‘as if we might attain it‘, as the Apostle Paul puts it in the New Testament. An ideal to strive for in other words, but not something that will become reality, just because we have thought of it and approve of it. To achieve a wholeness in diversity for our global community will be an ideal and a charge at the same time, a goal for which to strive. It is also a kind of imperative, such as ’love your neighbour as yourself and God above all’. We strive for this, realising that we do not always practice it. This is how I am now coming to see ‘wholeness in diversity’, as an imperative to strive towards in our actions, conduct, behaviour and policy making. It is something we must bring about as a worthwhile goal, requiring much time, effort and many resources. This is more or less what I wanted ‘to put down on paper’! That is, that my notion of ‘wholeness in diversity’ was first just an insight that appeared in my awareness, but now taken on the notion of an ideal that will require much dedication to bring even a little closer in our community of humankind. <9:44am and 10:00am edited~