2013-03-28; 8:09am, Thursday. Sunny and 10dC today! March, in like a lion, out on the lam, to coin a new expression. Diary: Spring Equinox musings, social visits and derelictions. ~~The sun is for planters and the moon for husbandmen as we still celebrate; Elisabeth and I visit for ice-cream and supper, then I relax and let the house keeping be.~~ Zarathustra has a second birthday today, as is befitting for our earliest human prophet. The Sikhs have Hola Mohalla and Christians have Maundy Thursday. This is a busy week around the transit of the Equator by the mean sun, which is the point in time that Spring starts and the sun moves north to the northern tropic [= turning], before going south again. Humans discovered that the sun regulates the growing seasons and not the moon, which governs the animals. Mixing these two up, led to many miss harvests in the past, so it is worth remembering this equinox event by means of these celebrations. Following the moon cycle as the Muslims do with Ramadan, makes life difficult in the Canadian and other ‘Norths’, as night time becomes non existent and the fasting threatens to become starvation. This does not happen, because the Qur’an is flexible in its rulings, allowing for impossible situations. Yesterday, Elisabeth joined me for an ice cream at the Marble Slab along 17th Ave. SW. She come over for a tea and stayed for a light supper. Having company with dinner makes it taste better she observed, with which I heartily agree. In the evening I posted my daily entry and changed ‘MP3’ to ‘mp3’ on some sound (talk) files on the server, since MS-Explorer had been reporting my spelling oversight. This is now fixed; finicky can be the life of the web coder cum programmer cum designer cum architect even. I prefer engineer myself, as that term means ‘do what ever is required’ to make things work and I am one by schooling to boot! However, the dishes remain undone and the floors are still awaiting a scrubbing, but not all was lost since I did do some banking and grocery shopping. And after all, who is looking? I am retired and I do need to remind myself of this once in a while. Writings: Our responsibility as humans we cannot get away from. ~~Last nights musings on the conduct of humankind and our situation in existence is reported and further elaborated, closing with Sugarman song title.~~ Last night, before checking in, I gave some more thought to ideas that I expressed in the morning under the ‘writings’ heading. This will need a bit of gestation time. It is 8:41am now and I will start with the dishes, which I do by means of meditation at time, which is now. Windows resumes now at 9:08am after hibernation; it keeps the document in the window, which is a nice gesture. Yes, the dishes are done, silver and glass towelled off and the rest is drying. I washed those dishes, the recall chain of thought associations I made last night, unfolded. I’d started with the note ‘I am the light of the world’ as attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John, the Gnostic. My thought there was that it is incumbent on us, as human beings to discover this light in each other in our world of today. This led me last night to consider all the things, acts and omissions humans do, many of which are not pretty and some very dark even. We cannot proceed by leaving out half of our conduct as humans and only consider that which, what and who we approve of. All has to be included if we are to come to a working understanding of what it means to be human. A second consideration is that of the functionality of the secular position, which is grounded in the notion that the here and now, is all there is. This puts the burden of being so to speak, squarely on the shoulders of the human living her or his life. None of it can be attributed to ‘outside sources’ either as to cause or for redemption. This is a position of great isolation in the universe, but it does validate the human experience as central and unique, right from its first and down to its last breath. I see the position of the secular as one in which the old is let go and the new is starting to emerge. Many writers consider secularity a modern phenomenon, but anthropologist have reported coming across secular type disbelievers in early style human cultures. Using the frame work of Existence Divine - see my like titled talk - in which all is included, the human experience is a relative one in the sense that there will be other ways and manner of existence of which we do not know, and some biological systems that we do know, but the experience of which is unknown to us as beings. Besides this relative aspect of the human experience there is also the absolute one, in that humans make up their own experience as they live it now, have lived it in the past and are now go into the future. It is here that the validity of the secular position becomes clear. The human position is the responsibility of us humans and what ever we come up with in our world of human experience is defining and limiting that which is possible in its realm. So far more or less, my recall of last night’s musings. [9:44am] We as humankind are producing and defining the realm of the human experience and are responsible for all it turns out to be. In this position that which guides us in our human endeavour, becomes of the utmost importance and is definitive. In the past and modern times also, these guidance processes have often been inspired or revealed, but only been scrutinised partially , if at all. Automatic and unconscious, I call them at times, the way the Ancient Greeks acted in Homer’s Iliad, all inspired by the gods. In the Odysseus this attitude changes to a hero who is acting on his own cognizance. We, in our modern time are now equipped and aware enough to recognise that the way our global society will unfold and what it will become, is our own responsibility and making. It is as Rodriguez sings in Sugarman: “You can’t get away from …”. Hence, we need to start acting accordingly. 9:50am and 10:42am~