2013-05-31; 8:00am, Friday. Overcast, light rain and mild. Happy birthday to my sister at her seventy fifth! Diary: Laundry postponed, keeping quiet and shopping considered. ~~I am describing a lazy day so to speak, but what the heck, I am retired after all. So, why not act like that? My activities are all in the title, but for the mandala photo intentions!~~ I wanted to start on my laundry, but there was already a load going in the washer, with twenty (20) minutes to go yet. So, here I am at my computer, making my daily entry. Yesterday’s still needs to be completed and I have to get ready for Rene’s coming by to get my bike and my surplus small flat computer screen. I did look up ‘Corpus Christi’ in my Oxford. It is the name for the celebration of the institution of the Eucharist, I think ten (10) days after Pentecost, while the word itself means ‘body of Christ’ of course. Yesterday was a quiet day with few activities and much resting. This is what I felt like, in part on account of some spasms in my leg. Keeping quiet seemed to be the message and it also rained most of the day. I did pay some bills and walked a block after supper, when the rain had abated. Today I should go to the DJ market, but could boil some onion for veggies, I do have meat and half a potato, which could be supplemented with bread. Tomorrow I have to drive by there any way, so maybe that is what I’ll do; that is shop tomorrow. And in faint agreement, the sun is coming through! Time to check on the laundry. A new load was in, so I decided to wait until this aft. I forgot to mention that yesterday I did copied all the photos I took of my mandala colouring into one folder. I intent to make a little slide show of my progress. This to be posted on my website of course! <8:50am~ Writings: None. ~~None~~