2013-09-18; 9:10am, Wednesday. Cool with rain, but seasonal at about 15dC. Diary: Retired cadence, shopping and much more. ~~Nine am is my new start time as I describe my downtown circle route on which I discover - surprise surprise - a new book!~~ I have noticed that I tend to start at nine (9) am, whereas I used to be closer to eight (8) am with my earlier entries. This I have given my blessing, because I am retired and the later starting time has become a natural fit in my daily and nightly schedule. Adjust to your own retirement activities, be flexible I tell myself, because after all who is in charge but me, all things being equal of course. And this adjustment also applies to my aging body in that I maintain my physical condition, but respecting my body’s age, restrictions and abilities; treat it with loving kindness and don’t punish it, I remind myself. How is this for an openingJ! Yesterday my physio man Tim and I agreed that I am doing o.k. and that I will give him a ring when the need arises. I have in mind once a quarter, just to check up on my exercise routine, which now has become more elaborate. Tim is urging me to take up swimming, which is not my favourite type of activity; I was born under the Leo sign and cats hate swimming! As you may notice, I keep in tune with the heavens as well! On Monday I visited Sharen for a while; this time she did not want to sleep, because I came at three instead of two. I peeled a pair for her, but she could only eat half of it. The pear came from DJ’s, where I had done my produce shopping earlier on. Yesterday I stopped at Winner for some underwear, where shorts are a third of the price that The Bay asks. Its price must reflect the cost of advertising for the latest trends. Why pay that, if you cover it up any way? I also got an over due haircut and stopped by at ShelfLifeBooks, where I spotted and bought “Global Shift” by M. Mason. This author is an emeritus prof from Queen’s and an expert on the old ‘Third World’. It is gone now he says, hence the book’s title. It covers the period from 1945 to 2007 and that is of course the same as I have lived through and followed through the media. This book fills in much of the background that journalism necessarily has to skip over or just does not know. Hence I’m already into chapter three, having put “The Barbarous Years” on hold, even though I’m reading about the Dutch settlements in it! Last Friday the ‘Kricket’ finally reopened after June’s flood and a brought Dan a card and macaroons to celebrate. Nancy will most likely not be back, so I’ll have to say hello to her in Marda Loop. Writings: Redemption emerges during my morning affirmation. ~~Redemption emerges as an additional aspect of an affirmation about Existence Divine, which I already practice.~~ This week I have made my meditative affirmation about Existence Divine more central. This formulation is as follows: ‘As a participating Participant within Existence Divine I dedicate myself to making conscious my connectedness to Existence Divine this day.’ This affirmation is not new, as I formulated it quite some time ago. Yet recently I have become aware of an emerging awareness to make this idea more central and prominent in my daily activities. I have to start living it in stead of just affirming it; that is the best way to put it. This morning at breakfast, as I formulated my affirmation for this day, the concept of redemption surfaced and this combined with ‘making conscious’, giving the latter the aspect of redemption. Not that I would be a redeemer, but rather that my personal effort of consciousness making, contributes to a redemptive process of transforming entanglement into conscious interconnectedness of and within Existence Divine. This insight was further complemented, in that this is the contribution we as individuals make in our human realm of existence, within the totality that is Existence Divine. <10:07am~