2013-09-25; 8:25am, Wednesday. Overcast, temps in the low teen and some rain possibly. Diary: House cleaning, daily activities and website examined. ~~I expound my house cleaning philosophy, elaborate daily activities, enumerate social contacts, lecture on fungi and critique my own website.~~ Yesterday I managed some house keeping, such as cleaning kitchen and bathroom sinks and the bowl. My Mom used to say after such an operation: ‘The sink is smiling back at you!’, which is a good way of rewarding yourself for such mundane, but necessary and self caring tasks. I often ask my self ‘do you value yourself enough to do this for yourself?’ I have found out over the years that when doing something for myself, I have to tell myself that this is a worthwhile activity. I was brought up to do things for others, but not so much because I am valuable to myself as a person. And it is through doing these simple acts of caring for yourself, that I teach myself the importance of self value. That was quite a philosophical, if not psychological start for this day, but ‘What the heck, if I don’t do it, who else will?’ goes that famous justification! Yesterday aft was decidedly lazy, but I did pay some bills, walked and picked up a copy of the National Post; see below later. At around four pm I usually get busy for the evening meal and am cooking food at around five pm. Then, in the evening I usually browse my favourite five (5) news sites and do my email. Next comes the marking up of my daily entry such as this one, for it to be posted on my website and do the dishing during the commercial interrupts of the TV- evening news. In addition there is the reading of books and articles. Last night I decided to have a cursory, but critical look at my website. In spite of the work I have put in for the categories marked with NEW, I noted that much remains to be done in the others, such as the Catechism and the Gallery. However, the Scribe’s daily entries, the Talks and the Topicals - essays that is - are o.k. now, but I’m still not happy with the way the Left_Hand work category operates with the Ajax technique. I may have to shop around for some advise for this and for the overall composition of my web site. Today, coffee with John at ten am and then at one pm a visit to Sharen, for which Garda and I will meet. This in part because conversations with Sharen do not flow that well any more. Last night I called Derrick, who is busy with his work and studies, but now also with the passing of his older friend Angela, whom he has known since Junior high school days as Edwards Mom. That makes it almost thirty years I would calculate, making this parting difficult to accept and work through. I also received several emails from my sister Els, who has taken to sending me photos of toadstools and large funguses she has come across in her neighbourhood. She took a course on fungi and explained - back in 1999 - that a toadstool is actually the flower that spreads the spores and belongs to the actual subsurface colony like fungus that grows underneath the plant cover and remains hidden from sight. I quite at around 9:20am for my visit with John and completed this entry later at: <6:07pm~ Writings: None ~~None~~