2013-09-27; 7:48am, Friday. Clear, sun up, cool outside and inside, i.e. no heat yet. Diary: Restaurant search and website considerations. ~~I discover some bum steers using web searches for Ethiopian restaurants and analyse my current web site for the aspects of visitor use and web master maintenance and sketch the version three required changes.~~ Michelle and I are working on selecting an Ethiopian munch venue. The net search - Bing - gave some options, but at least two were bogus, that is non existent. But, we know there are at least three, so we won’t go hungry. I dropped my cards off last night at John’s place, because we had somehow not spotted each other last Wednesday. John will be having his birth day while on his trip. Yesterday I was up so late in the morning, that I skipped making an entry. In the aft I walked to check out the restaurants along Seventeenth Ave, but as I said, they were not at the listed location. The walk gave me a good break in the mild and sunny weather and I even visited ‘The Globe and World News’ near ninth street, an old haunt of mine. I looked at my website again and know that I have to make some drastic changes. Not so much in the technical aspects, but more in the presentation and user interactive areas. I am still hiding the changes and new entries behind the home/front page, so a visitor has to figure out what is new and what’s not. I did sketched a simple idea outline last night, calling it ‘TTS-v.3‘, meaning version three of my website. During this morning’s coffee contemplation, I called version one (1) my just getting my site up back in 2009. The present version two (2) emerged as a result of my courses in web development during 2010 and 2011. This resulted in much improved the mark up, but the user interface has remained unattractive and clunky. This is where version three comes in. I feel I have interesting content with enough updates and ‘current-ness’, but the whole is not inviting. Then, there are the collection of pasted links to news items that remain unused, as do most of the my photos and collected images. I could also make better use of the books that I read and do comment on, but without providing live links. Having come to this point, I also realise that I am ‘talking’ about quite a bit of work and I ask myself “How much of this do I want to do?”; this because I am the person who also generates the content for my website. I have done this now since 2009-05-08, because I wanted a publishing medium and not just pencil and paper. I also wanted to learn the website building and design techniques and maintain control. Some people suggested using a blog service, but then I am driving someone else’s car. Moreover, no one could tell me what would happen to the copyright of the blog published material. After all, copyright is based on the author having published in a certain format, which he/she does not provide when using a blog site formats. Last, but not least is the fact that my site is to difficult to maintain as a production type affair. The daily entries are manageable, but adding photos, links and current material on books and news is too complicated. Ideas are o.k., but I have to make things simpler than I have them now. So, TTS [TTS for ’TonysThoughtShoppe’] version three (3) then needs a more attractive, current and user friendly front page, easier navigation from that front page to the rest of the site’s categories and simplified maintenance methods. In the background is the need for some kind of search function for the many daily entries, which has a rudimentary solution, that needs to be worked out. <8:40am and 9:00am edited~ Writings: None. ~~None~~