2013-10-16; 8:05am, Wednesday. Overcast, wetness and leaves on the earth’s surface. A drizzly day! Diary: Meditating computer, new gallery and travel notes. ~~Today’s computers can still be slow when firing up, four small photo albums-Des13 are posted and I comment on travels for this date old for me and current for a friend and enjoying a Fall day~~ My computer took about five (5) minutes this morning in its meditation or prayers. Meditation is closest, as it was busy with itself doing internal updates, switching on, off and then on again. In the 1980-ties I used to go for a coffee after having powered up the computer, yet as things became faster they also grew more complex. Now three decades later, I still await the computer’s readiness as it powers up. I should probably bless those little delays in our technologised world of today. Last night after the news - i.e. after ten pm - I managed to post an initial version of the new gallery design - Des13 - on my website. It functions within the php-menu bar structure for navigation, but the albums are just short ones, albeit functioning the way they are intended. The old list type catalogue is still there, but is now inaccessible. The next stage will be to update some old albums to the new html5 structure and add new ones as well. This will also mean the preparation of selections from available images, which I then reduce in a batch process to display and thumbnail sizes of ca 100kb and 10kb respectively. My new Canon 16mb camera creates files of about 4mb, which is far too large for web and email albums with more than just a few image files. Yesterday was a beautiful day, inviting me for a walk, some photos and some shopping. I knew that today’s weather was on the way, but it will be followed by more mild weather again. However, after mid October we can get some serious winter happening at our altitude of ca 1100 meters. But, as all Calgarians know, there is always a chinook just waiting to brake the winter’s spellJ! Today is the sixteenth, the day when I arrived in the back in Canada for good, as my sister Tineke put it with a question mark on her farewell card back in 2003, when she and Jan saw me off at Schiphol airport. And today my friend Jeltsje switches to her winter abode in Egypt for about half a year, soaking up the sun’s warmth and caressing her feet in the desert sands. Egypt’s ancient history knows the intermediate periods, in which people complained about lawlessness and the dereliction of duties by the officials. This makes for a suitable characterisation for the state of Egypt today. It appears that it is going through one of those intermediate periods in modern times just the same. So, I hope my friend will use her best judgement while there and I wish her well. Writings: Fashionism identified and defined. ~~I discover the word ‘fashionism’ as a perfect fit for the consumer conundrum in our society.~~ Today, as I stepped out of the shower the word ‘fashionism’ emerged into my conscious awareness. The word is perfect for what it means to me, namely the dictatorial rule over the consumer by means of fashion obsolescence through relentless advertising; all this, not to improve life, the environment or reduce resource demands, but for no other goal than the increase of profits and market dominance. Now that is a mouthful and some, but it does put it all out there succinctly and concisely. This constitutes my thought for the day, and no doubt for more days to follow. <8:51am~