2013-10-29; 8:59am, Tuesday. Sunny, clear and cold. Diary: Album work and a dream assessment. ~~The photo caption in Fall2013 have their dates, but need to be left aligned and a long and confused dream scene is reported. ~~ Yesterday I added the dates to the caption of my Fall2013 album, but I still need to fix the caption alignment with the css type styling. I posted my daily entry of yesterday, but the writings entry needs to be added to, with some definitions and clarifications. This possibly is the intent of this morning’s dream, in which I am very confused looking for I don’t know what. It closes of with the realisation, that if I’d only could remember how I came into this campus like situation, I could also find my way back out again. In this dream, at one stage I had to cross a river Jordan, which looked like a Dutch agricultural ditch. I was over the said ‘river’ before I knew it, but needed to negotiate an other larger stream as well. And I drove on a road designated for farming vehicles at certain times, as I was told by the farmer who was kind enough to take an other route. This too I did, in response to his directions. The scenes in my dream switch between Canada - Sears department store - and those Dutch agricultural scenes and in addition I am looking for my present car, but I can’t find where I left it. Still, I am going around as if driving in a car, which I propel, while knowing that it does not have an engine, but by applying the power of my intent and purpose. I wake up after the realisation within the dream, that I have to remember how I got into this campus like situation. On this waking up, I am relieved that my situation is not as confused as it was in the dream. In assessing this dream, I incline towards the observation that this dream shows what I have been through and that I am emerging from a long drawn out and confusing process. Looking for my present car puts me in the present, yet the activities in the dream remind me of ‘the reconnecting with my roots’ from 1999 to 2003. The dream had the oddity of the Sears department store having Mennonite service personnel, goods all wrapped up like parcels on the ground floor stands and nothing but floor repair workmen on the second floor. “Are you going to have a wall mart here?”, I ask. The workmen look none plussed in response. On this discovery I leave the store and start my wandering around I the farm land and old city of Leyden, where in real life, my lady friend Hiltje and I in ca 2002, saw the Ancient Syrian exhibit on the start of writing. All this combines to show me where I am at now, in part ending with that partly confused writing of yesterday in my entry. This assessment feels right in part, yet not completely, but it is as far as I can take it for now. Writings: Description of Existence Divine and its significance, with future connections. ~~My most elaborate description to date of the meaning and significance of Existence Divine, which is followed by making a connection to the ideas of Jung’s functions and a generalised notion of ‘revelation’.~~ Some promised definitions cum clarifications: On Existence Divine: This is a concept that I acquired by insight in 2006, when preparing for my talk “In Search of the Sacred”. It is inclusive of all that exists. It does not mean ‘Divine existence’, because that implies existence that would not be divine, and so not be all inclusive. Rather it does mean that there is no Divine without existence and that existence is not needed on account of it self. So the two aspects together form the complete description of what is. My own observation about this is that this dual aspect description is the result of the way we humans think and are conscious of our world of experience. For example, we have arrived at other such dualities about our world, such as ‘matter and energy’, ‘particle and wave’, ‘good and evil’ to name some well known duality descriptions. It is legitimate to consider the possibility that the characteristics of our human thought process influence the type of conclusion we come to and may be the reason we arrive at this dual type insights. I am not suggesting that the sacred and the mundane intermingle as separate entities, which is an old Gnostic type concept. Rather, our existence and all of existence is, to us humans, best understood as being existence and divine at the same time. Now, with divine I mean the idea of the holy as Rudolf Otto reports in “The Idea of the Holy“. Existence Divine includes the terrifying aspects of existence as well as the blessed and the beneficial, all that exists is included, the good, the bad, the indifferent and even the cruel as well as the tender. Denying the existence of any aspect of it, leads to the formation of a biased and distorted understanding of our existence within the realm of humanity. This all inclusiveness makes it necessary for us humans to keep a close rein on our morals and ethics. It is us who determine what goes and what should not be allowed. The laws of ethics are revealed in the human traditions as they are passed on to us and are our discoveries as such. In conclusion I can say that we humans in the realm of humanity within Existence Divine, are the discoverers of what is humanly possible and allowable. It is all our responsibility, but within Existence Divine revelation takes place, appropriate to place, time, people and circumstance as our human handed down traditions tell us and even show us today. Break at 10:10 to 10:26am. This description took longer than I expected, but it affords me took make a connection between ‘revelation’ and the transcendent function. In short Jung defines the transcendent function as allowing for our conscious to be connected with our unconscious. This I’ll modify by saying that unconscious is that which is as yet unknown as well as that which was known. So, simple the unknown as in all that exists, which I regard as to be continuous. A second connection can now be made by saying that the experience in the realm of humanity takes place through the four functions, constituted of the two opposing pairs of thinking versus feeling and sensing versus intuiting. And to this, all this from my coffee break, I add my assumption, that the insight of the scientist, the revelation of the monk, the brain wave of the inventor and the inspiration of the politician are the same or very similar fMRI processes, unless I find out about proof to the contrary. N.B: More to follow, but this enough time for today as my farmer in the dream told me. N.B: Add: continuity of Existence Divine and even when the Divine is considered inappropriate, there is continuity of existence. <10:42am~