2013-11-01; 9:03am, Friday. Overcast moving in from the east, temps about 8dC for the high. Diary: Muslim art and web album work complete. ~~A shifted lunch hour gives me a lead to the western Muslim organisation and I complete my photo album work for now.~~ Yesterday I was late and as a consequence had lunch near Noon in order to catch some news. Turning on the radio at CBC am, I caught the tail end of a show I otherwise never listen to. The closing end of this show was about a Muslim art exhibit here in Calgary and this perked my interest. It represented one more possible contact in my collection of multi ethnic local groups. A website was mentioned ‘westernMuslim.org’, which I quickly wrote down on my white berry complete with my pen app. Later in the evening I did find the dot-org as well as the identical? dot-com sites. I tried to purchase a ticket, but they wanted too much auxiliary information, which I do not disclose for just a show ticket. I am not trying to become a member of the organisation, so I’ll try a phone call today, or will just go to the venue tonight. Later on I meet up with Herman for our set piece lunch, which both of us enjoy most of the time. The market will have to wait until tomorrow, which is now entering its last month again for this year! My web catalogue of photo albums is now fixed up, as well as the photo albums themselves. Both have the same styling though their functions differ, that is the album gives access to the images, whereas the catalogue does so to the albums. No changes to the index cum home page so far, it will take some time to develop a layout that suits my site. Writings: Five additional ideas describing our human situation. ~~Last night I read over this weeks collection of writings and now add five more relating concepts that I have discovered over the years.~~ Last night I printed the writings portions of this weeks daily entries and read them through last night. Doing so reminded of the dream about the puzzle pieces that were in the process of making a pattern, as I reported in the writings of October the 28th. That is a vary apt description of how I felt after reading these assembled writings. It is saved in the documents folder miscellaneous for 2013 on the Tony_Built3 computer. As a result of reading this collection I noticed some missing concepts and some parts that need rewording. In addition, I now have set an objective to get these ideas down, in a flowing fashion, on two pages of print. I call this my Jack Heynen test, whether he likes that or not; but I know he’ll approve. Some additional and missing concepts: 1. Continuity of existence. This idea slowly developed over the years since 2003 and became established for me around 2005. It is based on the realisation that we humans always look for a beginning of some thing. This I have called this an archetypal urge and ascribe it to our wish to find, locate and describe the beginnings of our becoming conscious as human way back when. Be that as it may, we can observe in the universe and on our earth the beginnings and ends of many processes or beings, from ants to stars, albeit at varying time scales. If however, we differentiate between the existence of an actual object and its existence, then we can look at existence as such alone, which does not have to end or beginning. This latter assumption is far simpler than the one that assumes beginnings and endings, nor is it necessary for existence itself. In other words, existence just is, no beginning no end. The processes within existence take care of the coming and goings, of universes even and other unknown ‘things’. By the way, I understand that the Greeks also assumed that existence just was. With respect to time, it is related to the processes which have a need for time to allow for the internal ordering from beginning to end. Within existence all that can exists will exist and has no time associated with that. Some things exist in a process of a very short duration, such as unstable elements or elementary particles, while others last for vast eons in their process of existence. Within all these existing of processes short and long, we humans tend to look first at those with durations that are not too different from ours, so as to accommodate our ability to understand the world of our experience. 2. Aspects of conscious awareness: change and continuity Conscious awareness in humans is more extensive than in animals, but is limited nevertheless on account of our physically brain size and our psychologically capacity to handle experiences and impressions. However, through the activity of creating order and finding predictability we are able to expand the number of ‘things’ we are able to be aware of without becoming confused, which is essential for survival. Human consciousness has increased with time and our understanding of our existence has multiplied ever since we, as modern homo sapiens became aware of and in our world. This process of gaining in consciousness continues today and I suspect that we will be able to become more conscious in the extra-sensory meaning as well, once we get a handle on its confusing affects and effects. This will open the way to continuity of conscious awareness and its independence of the biological vehicle that our human body is. 3. All experience is valid experience. All human experience must be acknowledged and added to the ‘bank of human possible experiences’, aiding in our understanding of that experience’s possibilities and limits. Next, after this acceptance is the judgement as to whether any such experience is hurtful, beneficial, ethical, moral and meets other criteria. These are the choices for us humans to make and act on, informed by the traditions of our common heritage. We must not reject the existence of any possible human experience, but we certainly must exercise our judgement about any and all such reported experiences. This inclusiveness is necessary to avoid introducing biases in our model and understanding of what it means to experience the human realm. This is the human discovery process that it all needs to mapped, charted and understood in conscious awareness. 4. entanglement and interconnectedness. Physics has presented us with the experience of non-locality of some events. It is called entanglement, but is not yet well understood, if at all. The same can be said about sensing at a distance and extrasensory perception. It too is well researched and documented, but its processes are not known. As we become more conscious of this extra sensory phenomenon we can then say we are interconnected. The route to this state, as I see that, is through becoming more conscious, learning to handle this extra input. Until we acquire such capability we are best of to shield ourselves from it, rather than explore it. 5. The meaning, function and necessity of the god image, Each human religious tradition has the symbol of a revealed god image that is held as the highest principle of reference within that tradition. My observation is that we humans deal with projections on a daily bases. This is how we operate consciously and includes the so called reality projection. In the human religious tradition the projected god image represents the highest ideal for the believer. It is the symbolic representation of the highest values and ideals that inform the conduct of the believer. This must be respected as such, since no human being goes without such a reference. This god image is the revelation of the ‘discoverable unknown’ for that person and community, at that time, place and circumstance. The differences of these revealed images of the most high, differ from one religion to an other. This diversity reveals the mystery that is Existence Divine, which includes all is and confirms the unique character of each human tradition and its particular contribution to humanity as a whole. <11:14am, including a coffee break and a phone call. And after lunch and much editing 7:08pm~