2013-11-20; 9:22am, Wednesday. Stark blue sky with sun and visible plumes of the furnaces! Yes, it is cold at ca-20dC, but without wind, yet you might get frost bite from walking too fast:-)! Diary: Watermark movie report with an old friend recalled. ~~The Watermark movie at the Plaza Theatre proves worthy of this third try and the Cassiar BC name reminds me of an old friend.~~ After yesterday’s daily entry I had lunch and my snooze. Then I did some web work, did some net cruising of news sites and wrote some more notes for my talk on Sunday, while at night I made my third attempt at seeing the movie ‘Watermark’ and I succeeded. Last week Tuesday Shirley and I had seen the darkest part of it when we left. The photography by Ed Burtynsky is powerful and moving, as are the issues he addresses in this creation. So, I’m glad to have seen the whole presentation, which included ice core drilling in Greenland, beautiful BC shots of the Stikine river and its valley, as well as interesting scenes of SE Asian fisheries. And, not to forget, the backroom mechanisations of the musical water spout display in Las Vegas near the Beliol Hotel, as well as the display it self and the sin cleansing pilgrimage to India's Ganges river. This is what we are doing to and with water and how it effects and affects us, says Burtynsky with his ‘Watermark‘ creation. Later in the evening I made some more talk notes and decided to have an actual evening bath and not the usual morning shower. This turned out to have beneficial results in the form of a good sleep and a relaxed feeling. I’ll have to do this more often. While editing and checking the spelling of the name ‘Stikine’ in the atlas, I notice that the Stikine Range is near Dease Lake and Cassiar. These names reminded me of my old class mate Nick Stuifbergen from Holland, who had a job there back in 1961 I think. Telegraph Creek is also located near by, all are well known names to me and last night I saw that impressive there scenery in the show! No wonder I just had to see it:-)! <10:12am, with the editing. Writings: None. ~~None~~