2013-12-02; 8:32am, Monday. The forecast snow storm is blowing with vengeance right now. It is half dark still with the clouds hanging low, to warm up I suppose-J! Diary: First rosette coloured, visits and pea soup. ~~The balance of colour is truck for the mandala rosette, DJ’s season’s end and neighbourly pea soup.~~ Last night I coloured in the first of the four flower rosettes of my mandala, finally managing a balance of colours between the inner centre and the surrounding section of the perimeter. All four rosettes are in the transition zones between the sections of four seasons. So, a secondary the balance has to be achieved with the transitioning seasons from left to right of you like. I took some photos and I’ll mount some to show the results and explain the two way colour balance. John came over early for coffee at Sebastian’s and was on his way to meet up with his mother, with whom I have no contact any longer. I called Derrick last Friday, but he was busy preparing meals for friends, so we did not talk. I stopped by at DJ’s market for the last day of their season, bought some apples and took some photos. Later on I made the rest of the pea soup with the new pork leg bone and invited Michelle over so share a bowl which she supplemented by bringing some bread and wine. This all made for a tasty meal and pleasant evening in good company. She told me that the washing machine’s coin and control box had been vandalised, which made me decide to do most of my laundry on Sunday afternoon. This, because I wanted to avoid the storm since I now had to go to the local laundromat at 18th Ave. A good thing I did I note, as I look out! Writings: Thoughts on our Sunday message. ~~Herman’s talk about Jesus as wayshower and my notions of meeting today’s demands.~~ Herman’s lecture last Sunday was well attended and his presentation was inspiring. He made the case for Jesus as the first Christian and how that taught message of ‘love one another’ could bring peace to our world. I see this as aspiration for which we aim, a goal to strive for, since we also know that we have many human shortcomings that get us way laid. A few observations regarding the above mentioned teaching by Jesus as presented last Sunday. In my own studies of religions I have noted that religions all urge us - always have done so - to aspire for that improved state. Such states are defined in many different ways by the various traditions and have supported a process of continuous improvement in the human condition. This has been achieved over the many millennia behind us, be it with many terrible detours and painful lessons. Nevertheless, this is the view that I like to emphasise in my talks and writings. Building on this ground I make the point that we now have the responsibility to define for that state consciously. It is no longer a matter of following proscribed teachings, but rather starting from that basis, to seek out a formulation for ourselves today, one that will and does work for our globalising planet. We can seek encouragement from the handed down traditions and glean guidance and direction from them all. Our modern obligation is to define the needs of our days anew and formulate messages that address the issues and problems of our world in specific ways and define the remedial actions that are required to address these.<9:30am~