2013-12-10; 9:55am, Tuesday. Overcast and colder again today, -15dC? Diary: Laundromat recall, snow moving, coffee and dinner. ~~Toronto laundromat recalled (1959), coffee talk with Jack, snow and phone call cleared, and a start with the 2013 annual review.~~ A single laundry load is going, a left over from last Sunday a week ago, when I had to use the laundromat. Our in house machine is working again, which makes things much more convenient. Going to the laundromat reminds me of my rooming days in Toronto. Harry and I did our laundry a few blocks up from where we lived, near Yonge Street, some blocks below Eglinton. The washing machines had a window in the top lid and I used to watch the water droplets shift around when the spin cycle was on! They all moved towards the centre! Yesterday’s snow fall was still quite substantial and I did some shovelling around my and Michelle’s car. She had done some for me I realised a few days earlier. Jack and I had our regular two hour coffee, after which I went to my bank branch to clear up a phone call I had received. It turned out the call was a promotion and I may try it as yet. My daily entry was posted, complete with photos, which now take no more than a couple of minutes to add. I started on my annual review last week and last night I selected 54 photos to represent last year’s activities. This is far too many for last year’s format, but I may change it. For example, I could use about five (5) photos per month with minimal written text, but adding some spoken comments. I’ll give it a try, because this should be a lot more attractive for the recipients, who are my friends and family. Tonight a belated birthday dinner invite by Herman and Denise at the Selkirk, but I think I mentioned that already. The rest of the week is taken care of now, with a visit to Sharen tomorrow and a stop at Kensington Art to buy an ‘aster’ colour felt tip for the last rosette. It has to have late fall flower colours! <10:20am, laundry time coming up and on to writings at 10:47am> Writings: The intention experiment and interconnectedness. ~~Tito's memorial recalled. Considering affirmations relating to the intention experiment process.~~ Jack and I discussed Mandela’s legacy and some of his sayings and doings. Both of us marvelled at the coming together of all these disparate world leaders for the memorial service. It is good to realise that we all do admire what was accomplished there by the South Africans, black, coloured and white. We all admire this, knowing full well that all of us are capable and do commit shenanigans all the same. This memorial event reminds me of Tito’s funeral with Brezhnev , Nixon and others attending, this in contrast to Hitler’s funeral, as far as I know. All this does underline what we humans value, imperfect as we are. Some thing different: Considering the intention experiment process. During our coffee discussion I mentioned to Jack the power and potential of the ‘Intention Experiment’ technique; see McTaggart‘s book by that name. It applies to that type of world wide gatherings and attention focussing events of global reach. The intention experiment shows that affirmation can give direction to the mentioned group energies. Keeping this in mind, we can make an affirmation for our world leaders to proceed in Mandela’s way of searching for inclusive compromises, when internal or external conflicts arise in their spheres of power and influence. Such affirmations define the intent with which a person is to proceed and in this sense it affects the creative effort either for ourselves personally or for others to whom we are connected in held interests and states of awareness. This Mandela confirmed in an interview with CBC’s Barbara Frum, back in around 1990. When asked what belief had sustained him throughout his imprisonment, Mandela replied that is was the outside support and shown interest that had sustained him all that time. In my youth I heard missionaries of our church say that it was important that we pray for them to do their kingdom work, as that was called back in 1955 or so. To not be forgotten, is what Mandela said as well. So, our intentions and concerns are important to our fellow humans and to ourselves as well. I like to refer to this as our state of ‘entanglement’, borrowing a term from quantum physics. And then building on this, say that we must apply our conscious making power to this entanglement and form a state of conscious interconnectedness. <11:30am and 11:42~