2016-01-04; 8:38am, Monday. Sky with shrouded clouds, bright without sun with seasonal temps. Diary: Holiday contacts and new year changes. ~~The last of holiday hellos, readings and good wishes, combine with changes as 2016 starts up.~~ The first week in the new year starts with congratulations for Elisabeth as she celebrates her birthday today, for which the relating celebrations will take place at a later date. Still my best wishes to you Elisabeth, all the same and I hope you have a good nature day. Last night I called Ron, now in Courtenay and we had a good chat. I’d missed his call on the 30th, but this time we connected. He and Nancy celebrated the Holidays with family members who live there, which made for convenient visiting this time around. The mild climate there is a main attraction said Ron, along with the local sky and golf facilities. Maybe I can work in a visit yet some time in the future taking up Ron on his kind invitation. No family visits here on Saturday for the next number of weeks, as John and Annie are hitting the slopes at Nakiska, skiing and boarding respectively. On Sunday we had a good crowd to listen to Herman’s message and to wish one another ‘Happy New Years’. I did some reading in Time magazine - Angela Merkel person of the Year - and the Economist. Neither publication I’ve read in years, which is getting expansive at 7$$ a week each. Later today Jack and I will have our monthly review of what ever makes it to the top of the events and recall pile between the two of us! Also today, I’ll have to set up my daily entry folders for 2016, which involves digging into certain files to alter the year from 2015 to 2016 for my daily entry yearlists. I only do this once a year, which makes me always a bit apprehensive about making the wrong changes. However, there are always the old files to go back to. Writings: Common cause defined. ~~I make a first formulation of a common cause for humanity within the framework of existence Divine.~~ This weekend I was busy with formulating a closing perspective for my up coming talk titled ‘A World Narrative’, a perspective that would also fit with the eight points or concepts that I formulated over the days since Christmas day and finished last Friday. See my daily entrees. Such a perspective is still missing from the eight concepts mentioned. This is due to the differing nature of the concepts and the perspectives, namely the eight concepts form a structure, whereas the perspectives - two - are dynamic in nature. Their aim is to formulate objectives or goals to be striven after and are meant to be inspiring in nature, urging to action. Of these two perspectives one is social, while the other is individual in character, but relating and sharing values and goals. It is the well know situation of the individual living in the community in a regulated process, with commonly held aims and values. This is a well known aspect of human society in its handed down traditions. What I’m trying to formulate is what this would effectively look like in the framework of Existence Divine in which all human traditions are included. What is a sufficiently common formulation of a purpose for existence that would take in all the different human traditions and also be an aim worthy of effort and pursuit? I do have a vague formulation in my thoughts, which keeps changing, though circling around a central idea. So’ I’ll make a first attempt here and now, since only through giving these ideas a first expression can they become more clear hopefully with further work. The central idea that applies to the human community and the individual is that of ‘improvement’. I base this on the evidence we have today of humans having improved their conditions since about 60k years ago (60kya). At that time fire, spears and stone tools, with some social and language rules formed the beginnings of our ancestors society. Looking back over this fairly short time span even for the human species, we realise that much has been accomplished. Yet, as we look around today, we also know that much can be and must be changed and improved. This could even be a matter of survival, if we recall the past human behaviours and note today’s tools of destruction. From that it appears imperative that we double down on our searching quest for improvement. This little bit of writing took on a totally different content from what I had in mind and yet effectively expresses the kernel of my thoughts at that mentioned centre. How amazing! <10:22am with coffee and edit~