2016-01-15; 10:40am, Friday. Overcast and colder, with indiscernible Western type snow. Diary: Bussing and last regular entry. ~~I buss to friends for dinner, consider carfree life and make my last regular Daily Entry, since I started 2009 05 08.~~ Late at the keyboard, but early awake at before six am, but did not get up until nine am! I had the intuition to do some medita [low battery interrupt] ion on the subject of conscious existence other than in the human form. I was also awake at three am and meditated some on this topic. I may report some of my thoughts on this later, but not here and now. At around five pm yesterday afternoon I took the Elbow bus up Center to 23Ave NE and walked over to Sarah and BJ for supper. Sarah’s parents were still there, but leaving next week, so is was a good bye for now visit. When are you coming to Switzerland they asked and I replied maybe in a few years, but not next year. We always have a good connect and I hope to see them again before I undertake such a trip. I surprised myself with my bus trip enjoying taking in all the shops, scenes in China town and not having to negotiate the traffic. BJ was so kind to give me a ride back home, because the dark slippery sidewalks I felt to be too much of a risk. But, there is always the taxi and this is what I was thinking about this morning over breakfast. Doing away with the car requires some changes, but I feel I can live with those, making fewer trips and learn to use bus and taxi. Currently I make three visit a week in addition to meeting at the Palliser, which is becoming a bit too often I’ve been noticing. For now I’ll keep exploring doing without my car and see how that feels and works, because my friends too, will be asked to make some changes. Making fewer social visits will also free up some time for me to work on the activities I set myself this week in the earlier reported schedule. I could visit John and Juliet every two weeks, while I meeting Herman and Don once a month, like I do Jack. We’ll see, but this does feel like the right action to take. P.S: This will be my closing ‘Daily Entry’ report, as I’m moving the buoys with the shifting tides. Writings: Pencil note summary. ~~I record penciled notes which are based on the writings of the closing Daily Entries of 2015.~~ Last Wednesday, Jan-13, at 11:13pm I made some pencil notes combining the central ideas reported in the ‘Writings’ of the ‘Daily Entries’ dated 2015 - 12- 25, 29, 30, 31 and 32 [sic] or re-entered as 2016-01-01. These notes I now want to record here as the end result of my holiday thoughts of 2015/16. These will also form the starting point for the formulation of ‘My Message and Teachings’ that I intend to start in this morning time slot as noted earlier this week. Transcribed Notes: Existence Divine, Day Entries ‘15-12-25 à ‘15-12-32! [Jan 1, ‘16] 7 core concepts: 1) Modern Re-interpretation (of traditional teachings such as X-Mass and others. 2) Traditional Re-interpretation (generalise … other religions) 3) Boundary Conditions as condition for such new/re- interpretations. 4) [‘12-31] Testing the True character of the Boundary Condition by referring to handed down teachings, disciplines (also modern) 5) [‘12-31] Accommodating diversity. 6) Meaning of Existence for Humanity. 7) Meaning of Existence for Individual. Could be combined into 3: 1) Reinterp (Traditional & Modern) - Ever changing message (1) 2) Condition for Reinterp (Boundary Condition) - Condition for change (2) 3) New interp for Humanity Social and Individual ~ eschatology or ‘redemption of Existence‘. Change/ Perspective for Today. (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Structuring the material (Format ~ Vessel) Core ~ stem - 5 categories of theology Peripheral ~ branches/ body - ideas and teachings Narrative ~ leaves and blossoms - historical & stories/ events This is followed by an annotated graphic showing: ‘The Vessel’ a ladder at the core with the peripheral items as boxes around it, all connected by dashed lines signifying ‘narrative’. [This is contrasted] ß à Content [of the vessel consisting of] Concepts and ideas [and teachings]. End of the pencil note record on 2016-01-13, pm. <11:55am~