2016-02-01; 8:28am, Monday. Overcast, bright and mild. Not like winter, but that ain’t over ‘till its over! Diary: Conventional entry. ~~I have a busy Sunday with visits to the Palliser and Glenmore Landing, while today is laundry time again.~~ Today I succumb to my old habit of making a dairy entry at least. My excuse is that I’m doing the laundry and that such is not the setting for the writing profound thoughts. Such, as these are! But, my experience is that insights can strike any time, much like lighting. You could even say ‘I’ve been struck by en-lighting‘! Time to quit while I’m ahead. Yesterday I visited with friends at the Palliser where Herman treated us to an inspired presentation. He talked on Thomas Troward, who he studied at the very start of his journey into New Thought. Troward was one of the initiators of the New Thought Alliance back in 1914. Jack gave me a ride home chatting on the way and today we’ll meet later for a meet at Savour. Once home, a call from Shirley was waiting for me. We decided to meet at the Rocky and go for a tea from there in her car. We walked and talked before we dropped in at the ‘Dove Nest’ tea room, which was quite busy with the ‘English Tea’ types. It is a comfortable venue for socialising. Shirley is in one of her states where she does not want to be, but which do recur almost regularly. So I am there for her to talk, when so required, though at other time I may hear very little. For the evening I had planned to turn my attention to the long neglected ‘College of Magic Knowledge’ puzzle, but I forgot all about this intention until I moved the puzzle’s table before starting this entry! How neglectful. But, last night I became absorbed in some reading and printing for my meet with Jack later today. In the morning I got a call from Els who informed me about the passing of a youth friend’s partner. I met this friend, Fijkje, briefly in 1996, the year my parents passed on from this life in the body. She always felt I never changed when we met on occasion. When I mentioned that my sentiment was the same about her, she became quite upset, which cut my visit to her short back in the summer of 1996. Time for a laundry load switch at 8:55am. And back again at 9:14am, with the next ‘call of laundry’ at 10 to 10am. Writings: Defining talk titles. ~~I consider titles for my up coming talks for this year and possibly beyond.~~ Last night I spent some time on another puzzle and that was the one on finding and defining the topics for my next three talks of this year. I found a theme for my Spring and Summer talks, but not for the Fall talk. But like I said above; insight can strike and so it did this morning. I will mull over these three candidates so to speak about my speakings and share them here when they have firmed up. My experience is that new ideas often need a gestation time before firming them up prematurely by ‘expressing’ them too early through sharing. <9:21am~