, Thursday. Bright with sun and faint clouds, mild with westerly wind.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: New acquisitions:


~~Making out like a bandit, is the word for my new acquisitions of yesterday at The Bay.~~

I just texted John for coffee at ten, so this entry may be cut short. He says it fits, so off I go at 9:45am and return at 10:42am. I showed John my newly bought jacket and dress boots, which I’d bought at Hudson’s Bay yesterday. I also added in some sleek slippers in the end, as they were half price. The jacket too had a large discount and with the generous gift card from John and Tammy I made out like a bandit during this Boxing week sale at the Old Bay.

The jacket too had a large discount and with the generous gift card from John and Tammy I made out like a bandit during this Boxing week sale at the Old Bay.

I walked there from my stop at Regan’s place as I mentioned in yesterday’s diary. However, I took the bus back from the Bay at 6th Ave and First. In the evening I put on my new boots to test them for grip in snow and on ice, which is very good. I do need to brake them in a bit with walks, because I have not warn boots for decades. This aft I have a walk from Heritage to Kingsland where I plan to meet up with Don, which will tell the tale.

Writings: Church Fathers recalled:


~~I narrative thread emerges as I recall my readings of decades ago about the Fathers of the Christian Church.~~

This morning, while waking up I thought about ‘kalmpjes aan, dan breekt het lijntje niet’, as I recalled a Dutch saying from my youth. It translates into: ’easy does it, then the line won’t break’. This emerging sense came with the notion that ‘the line’ - “lijntje” is the personal narrative that is slowly starting to emerge for me.

This in relation to my recalling yesterday my early studies of the first church fathers such as Origen, Iraneus and Augustine.

This in relation to my recalling yesterday my early studies of the first church fathers such as Origen, Irenaeus of Lyons and Augustine. I had forgotten about those early explorations of mine around 1960 to 1970. I was searching at that time for what were the foundations of early Christianity beside the handed down Gospel teachings. I’ll have to see where this leads me, but will not force it, as ‘het lijntje’ should not break.

Daily Entry: 2018-01-04

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