My New Year’s resolution was and is ‘to bring order in my spiritual and worldly affairs’. That covers most of my life, so I’m busy! The spiritual part is to tell my Narrative, formulate an Amalgam World Belief and define the Teachings. I intend to spread this over my four CLEC talks for this year. The first one is titled “World Belief Origin” in which I aim at resetting the origin of the handed down traditions to the time humans started to populate the planet Earth.
The Narrative will relate the development of my views through my life from early on until the present. Its theme will be ‘Diversity’ of existence in general and that of humanity in particular. I intend it to be the subject matter of my Spring talk, while ‘Amalgam World Belief’ and ‘The Teachings’, will be addressed in my intended summer and fall talks for this year.
With regard to my worldly affairs I plan to discard what I can, organise what I want to keep which applies to many mementos, photos and objects. John has agreed to assist me with this process one Saturday every two months. We will start with the storage area to clear out some circulation space to facilitate clearing out other stored ‘stuff’ and or organise it if it’s worth keeping. The second aspect of my worldly affairs is documentation such as a will, finances and family records.
The storage is becoming identified as to its items, my writings have now three defined areas mentioned above and documentation and finance are getting their goals identified and scheduled even.
I intend to set goals for each two month period and detail that out weekly as each period gets closer. This week I want to clear things up and ready each area for the start-up. The storage is becoming identified as to its items, my writings have now three defined areas mentioned above and documentation and finance are getting their goals identified and scheduled even.
The living room area is more or less organised for process, by ensuring that my table and desks stay in good order and don’t turn into ‘put piles’ as I called those at the beginnings of my daily entries back in 2009! The bedroom table is crying for attention and it will get a start this aft. The small high table in the kitchen will be last, possibly on Saturday.
Yesterday afternoon Jack and I met for our monthly catch-up, which was well populated with topics and experiences to relate. Last Thursday Don and I met at Kingsland to round out our holiday experiences. We both join the in-laws of our respective sons for Christmas dinner and company. Last Sunday I visited again with friends at the Palliser where our CLEC group made its start for 2018. Yesterday I got a belated Christmas card yet from Helene and Peter, which is now a solitaire reminder of the past season on my wall unit shelve!
The Christmas decorations are now in storage, except for a small red ornament that features a moose in profile in an arched frame. My 2018 calendars are in place, with Poortvliet’s drawings facing me when I work on the big desk, while as I type at my ‘drafting’ table type desk, the calendar of Dutch scenes reminds me of last November’s trip for Els’ memorial.