, Friday. Overcast with freezing fog, cold at -18dC.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Shaw birthday book and movie plans:


~~John explains Shaw’s layoffs, Rene plays sitar, history mapped, a brotherly call, mini Knox service and movie plans with Shirley.~~

Coffee was scheduled for eight this morning, but John and I met around 8:30am at our Purple haunt and had a good chat. John said that Shaw is laying off over 6 000 staff and outsourcing everything that is not related to media delivery. This means that his old IT-department is gone, so it is good that he left when he did almost two years ago now.

Last Tuesday Rene and I met for coffee at Good Earth. He had brought his sitar, but just picked away at the strings, crossed dressed in appearance. On the way back I stopped in at ShelfLifeBooks where I picked up A history of Canada in ten Maps” at 40% off. This author is knowledgeable and engaging!

In spite of this formal setting, the community experience was engaging and friendly. To my own surprise, I felt good for having gone!

This last day of January I called my brother for his birthday. He received lots of attention and more was coming in the door as we spoke. After making my Narrative entry I went to Knox United for their weekly Wednesday noon meeting, for my first time. I expected a kind of round table gathering, but found myself in a sort of mini communion service with about a dozen hearers. In spite of this formal setting, the community experience was engaging and friendly. To my own surprise, I felt good for having gone!

On Thursday I made an other long Essay Narrative entry as I am aiming to finish the Narrative part soon. I am now at the year 2003 when a resettled again in Calgary ‘for good’ as my sister Tieneke put it, when leaving Holland that October. Shirley called in the evening about seeing a very low budget movie at the Globe Theatre called ‘Mountain’ this coming Saturday. She had also sent me a nice email in appreciation of our friendship; thanks Shirley.

The weather remains unseasonably cold at the minus mid teens all week and into next? Hence, I’m putting my new winter jacket to good use as well as my heavy winter coat and ‘mounty’ hat. That is it for this week and hopefully I’ll have made a start with the ‘Belief chapter’ of my World View essay next week.
<10:27am and 10:43~

Daily Entry: 2018-02-02

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