, Monday. Clear, still cold but less so and sun rising.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Cold:


~~Winter weather, movie cancelled, local visits, far away call, laundry here and now and an other phone considered.~~

Laundry is in progress, breakfast is done and off I go with my ‘Daily Entry’ that covers last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. All those days were cold with two loads of snow to boot. We are having a powerful winter, so much snow that Deerfoot trail was closed Saturday from McKnight to Anderson in the south on account of an over abundance of vehicle crashes. Wild drivers who each think their vehicle is superior and therefore they are too? And, last Saturday too, Shirley and I decided to skip our planned movie on account of that weather.

This time it was about missing the podium, but the cartoon only showed women facing this possibility. Odd! Don’t men have to deal with defeat?

I went out before the snow came down to get my weekend Globe and Mail, which always has some food for thought. This time it was about missing the podium, but the cartoon only showed women facing this possibility. Odd! Don’t men have to deal with defeat? Just realise that there is one ceo in the company, because a company of ceo-s alone would be ….! You guessed it.

On Sunday our group at the Palliser was just me at first, then Elisabeth came and last Judith. So, we were with the six of us altogether, but all the same Herman brought his talk on evolution to a meaningful close. It was that in our personal lives too we should aim to evolve as we conduct our lives. I took the bus both ways with a short walk on either end.

In the afternoon I called my sister Tieneke, who is as busy as ever with her activities. She has sent me some photos that are still making their way here. Michelle dropped in around supper time for some company while I was cooking my dinner. However, she follows her own diet, so I ate my own prepared meal. She’d brought her dessert, so in this we ate our own together.

I just now look up from my typing and see the sun light playing on my kitchen counter and the utensil stands. Such a playful display with this low sun angle at this time of year!

Last Friday John and I discussed my need for an other cell phone as my present Blue Windows phone has become a dead end for application software and Microsoft has now switched to Android OS. John suggested a Nexus 5, 6 or 7, with the ‘Pixel’ at the top end. I still have to take a look, but will fairly soon, as I feel that my present phone has become too limited in usefulness, though its hardware is excellent. That is good photos and sound, with fast recharging.

Today coffee with Jack this aft and this morning the laundry with the second load just about due now at 9:03am. The third one at 10am, which gives me now time for coffee at 9:34am; until Friday~

Daily Entry: 2018-02-05

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