, Friday. Overcast, but bright and warmer at ca -10dC.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Dinner Shiraz IKEA plus:


~~I catch up on listing my main activities over eleven days.~~

Much has transpired since my entry of the 12th this instance. Most significant were yesterday’s experience and insights, which I’ll mention under “Writings” below.

Regarding my daily activities, the regular type took their place in my daily affairs. Extra was that I invited Elisabeth for a Valentine’s dinner which was overdue between us as we’ve known each other since 2001. I saw my lawyer to up date my will and stuff and had lunch with Herman on the following Friday.

Extra was that I invited Elisabeth for a Valentine’s dinner which was overdue between us as we’ve known each other since 2001.

On Saturday Michelle and I finally made it to ’Shiraz’ on Center and 12th North, while we went to IKEA on Monday looking for some furniture and a new lamp in my case. It now lights up my Mandala colouring nicely with diode type strip light. Thanks Michelle for your driving and good company.

Last Tuesday I met with the insurance agent to update a policy. On Wednesday I visited Knox United to join the Noon-hour mini service and watched the women’s ice hockey gold medal game. And, not to forget, on Sunday the 11th I chaired Gabriella’s Sunday presentation at the Palliser, complete with Mormon choir via the internet, courtesy of Gabriella our speaker! Well done!

Writings: Two insights:


~~I note an old insight about human existence and a new one regarding some long banned feelings of mine.~~

Two personal events occurred yesterday; one was that I formulated a basic teaching for the ‘My World View’ essay, the other was that of a new insight about an old attitude of mine.

The formulation of that teaching is recorded on my Toshiba at MY-Belief-frameworks-collection/Essay-My-World-View-Teachings.docx. This entry - to be posted on my website - consists of two related statements. One says: “Humanity’s existence is its own purpose” and elaborates on this idea. The second addresses existence in that ‘things’ that exist are processes that have a beginning and end within Existence as such. It goes on to say that a ‘first mover’ and a ‘planned order’ are not needed, in that we humans are discovering the humanly possible within the realm of humanity in the totality of ‘Existence Divine’.

Humanity’s existence is its own purpose!

My personal insight was preceded over the recent weeks by feelings of bliss and love as I contemplated on my couch, comforted by the sunlight. After many days of this now and some recalled ones from 2002 in Zeist, it struck me that this persistent recalling of feelings was much like my experience in Apeldoorn in 1999. At that time I was recalling very painful memories and called it ‘peeling the onion’ as I report in my Narrative chapter of ‘My World View’ essay.

Then later yesterday, in the aft at around 4:30pm as I made my way to the Wine store the noted insight emerged on my walk. It was this: “These are banned feelings.” That was it! I did ban those feelings back around 1959/60 when making my way in Toronto as a ‘New Canadian’, as that was called.

I would rather die than do that [return to my old country] was my resolve then; hence those banned feelings.

At that time I banned feelings of affection, love, accomplishment and self-worth even, all for the sake of moving stronger, higher and faster on my newly chosen path and goal. I banished my good feelings, because I was concerned they would lead me astray and they might have done I realise now. This could lead to my giving up my emigration endeavour and return to the old country. I would rather die than do that was my resolve then; hence those banned feelings. However, yesterday I realised that I still had that ban in place with regard to my past, though in the present I am much more open to experiencing good feelings, but I do have to work on recognising them as being good for me!

Such a long journey; it truly amazes me that our human feeling processes work over such long time spans, slowly but surely. ‘Fast feeling would destroy you,’ I was told ones in May 2000 by a clairvoyant in Apeldoorn, NL.

So, here I am now today with this new discovery of mine, trying to work the results of it into the reality of my present daily life.
<8:57am and 9:12 with edit.~

Daily Entry: 2018-02-23

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