DST, Monday. Thaw is in the air in day time!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Daily Entries restarted:


~~Today I pick up the thread again of making daily entries and explain this course correction. It is followed by some social activity reports and an musing about a friendship discovered in grief.~~

I decided to restart my daily entries, as the other method is not working out in that I am not making entries or write on my essay chapters. It worked for the ‘Narrative’ chapter of ‘My World View’ essay, but not for the chapters on Belief. The latter are too vaguely formed to be put into a composition stalling the trial process of daily entries on Monday and Friday with essay composition in between.

I did work on my essay and talk titled ‘World Belief Origin’, but it is still a collection of jotted down ideas and notes, with a very vague outline at best. This I’ll have to get to this week as my talk is due on coming Sunday the 18th!

Last Friday aft Shirley and I had a long postponed coffee at the restyled Second Cup at 17th Ave. It was a welcome reconnect after several months of spurious connecting. Is it the dark winter hours that are contributing to this lack of communication? I know I am affected more now that I am older and my energies are lower; I guess I’ll have to guard myself more against this now, being forewarned is half the battle.

Before that coffee I picked up the book ‘Of Shadows’ at ShelfLifeBooks. It has one hundred entries on magic, witchcraft, geomancy and other magic type object and event as preserved in the relating museum in Boscastle, North Cornwall, U.K. It fascinated both Shirley and me and I’ll lend her to her in the future.
The second laundry load is due, so I’m off; an back again at 9:11 with the last load due in thirty minutes.

What prompted me was Jeltsje’s enquiry about my website in her recent email from Aswan. It made me realise that I missed my own entry activity and that I may not be alone in this, albeit unbeknownst to myself.

Yesterday I met with friends at the Palliser, where Herman spoke on meditation, a topic familiar to us all, which was reflected in the attendance of just four hearers. Denise was suffering from stomach pains and was not in good shape. I hope she can deal with her body problems and get some useful help and guidance.

I took the bus home and in the aft made an extended walk along the Elbow, passed the Community Gardens in Eberhardt’s Park. On my rounds I noticed that Savour is closed again and is being readied for new management. I fear that the young Czech couple that ran Savour is now gone. I liked those young people, but think that their business acumen lacked behind their enthusiasm. Jack and I used to meet there every month for several years now and today we will try out that mentioned renovated Second Cup at 17th and 4th S.W.

It feels good to have started with my daily entries again. What prompted me was Jeltsje’s enquiry about my website in her recent email from Aswan. It made me realise that I missed my own entry activity and that I may not be alone in this, albeit unbeknownst to myself.

Jeltsje and I now share our grief about the passing of Els, her close friend of many years and my sister for all my life. It was Els and her husband Oltman who arranged an introduction of Jeltsje to me back in the late summer of 1999. Now both of them have passed on as Jeltsje and I share some memories and our loss. Fortunately she and I have many other interests and share a much appreciated mutual understanding in a friendship that has developed over the years since 1999.

Daily Entry: 2018-03-12

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