, Tuesday. Chinook overcast with 9dC as high plus sun!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Social potpourri and Peterson:


~~Reporting on some ‘socialistic’ events and my read in Peterson.~~

This weather starts to look and feel like spring, but snow is not far away. However, we know that the sun will keep rising to its high, giving the snow a hard time! The laundry is in and due in forty minutes for #2 load.

Rene begged out from our planned coffee, next week better. Today Elisabeth is supposed to arrive early aft from her Nepalese trekking adventure, but I still have not had an email; maybe her phone is flat. Yesterday John and I met for coffee around 8:45am. He was concerned about the melting snow on the roof and the plugged up ice in the eve troughs. I suggested to let the thawing do its work, which goes quickly now with the higher temps and strong sun shine.
Metta texted for a ‘skype’ session, but I missed his message, so we’ll try again, though he maybe on retreat this Easter weekend.

I read late in ’s ‘Twelve Rules for Life’. It is quite a good read and he likes to defrock quite a few all is love and peace in nature’ notions, citing Jane Goodall’s great ape observations. But he discusses many different methods and approaches in the ‘Child Rearing’ chapter. Much valuable stuff all around as he names spades in spades, leaving the ‘fluff and puff’ for others. He also distinguishes between the pairs ‘good and evil’ and ‘right and wrong’ and I’ll have to look again to tell you the distinction he makes.

Writings: Serving:


~~I add to yesterday’s thoughts one on ‘serving’.~~

Adding to yesterday’s thoughts last night is this:
“As an individual I serve by enhancing ‘The Knowable Mystery of Existence’, my fellow human beings by enhancing our existence in the ‘Realm of Humanity’ and myself by becoming a more conscious member of humanity today.” This parallels the famous Deuteronomy admonition o love. <9:43am.

Daily Entry: 2018-03-27

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