, Monday and 2nd Easter day, clear but cold.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Easter events recounted:


~~I relate how Herman explores the boundaries of our regular experience and the customary Cook family gathering dinner tallying 22! And gender conflation.~~

Easter Sunday I met with friends at the Palliser, where Herman related some personal experiences about our human awareness, which at times reaches beyond our daily physical experience world. He had told me about this before at some of our lunches, but this time he shared some such experiences with our regular Sunday audience, going over time by about fifteen minutes! It was a matter close to his heart and needed to be properly placed in the narrative of daily life. Thanks Herman for sharing such a personal experience in a valuing and respectful manner.

Trying to become a unique individual by adopting a special gender capacity is taking a short cut.

In the aft John came to give me a ride to the family dinner meeting at the Cook family. It was a large affair with almost a dozen children from thirteen on down. Twenty two in total as I know, since I was last in the ‘gift game’ with my number 22! I ended up with a nice gift basket containing three jars of preservatives, all thanks to Shirley Cook who gave me guidance! It was a real fun occasion this time with all the youngsters acting out as they do at that early age of six and under.

On the way home John and I conversed about the gender identity hysteria that surfaces these days; both of us are reading Jordan Peterson’s new “12 Rules for Life”, who opened up the artificial gender identity debate. Trying to become a unique individual by adopting a special gender capacity is taking a short cut. You avoid the daily work of becoming an individual through the experience daily living, by of having a third party call you by your chosen pronoun. It will take more than that to feel like an individual human being. It takes a life time of experience, if not more!

Writings: Initiating exploring revelation:


~~I make start with exploring the we way ‘revelation’ functions in human experience.~~

Today I want to make a start with exploring ‘revelation’ as that is understood in the religious traditions of humanity. I have come to define ‘revelation’ as the means by which humans interact with the mystery of existence as we experience that at the boundaries our known daily world.

However, we can also attempt to gain some understanding of what seems incomprehensible.

Boundaries are the times, places and situations where our questions far out number our answers and we encounter events that lie beyond our understanding. We can then turn to our familiar world for solace keeping at bay what appears beyond our ken.

However, we can also attempt to gain some understanding of what seems incomprehensible. This it may remain in part, but making efforts to enlarge our comprehension is was has moved humanity forward over time with good results. The relating processes and results are handed down in our human traditions and these inform us about that process of ‘revelation’ I mentioned earlier.

What then do we know about revelation, religious, social, scientific or otherwise? This is what I want to explore and I’ll start with a Calgary library search, the Wikipedia oracle and some theology books I have in my book collection. I wish myself endurance and good luck, but feel assured that the results will be ‘revealing’!

Daily Entry: 2018-04-02

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