, Wednesday. Clear, sun and still cold -12C overnight.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Anniversary solitaire and trekking celebration:


~~I recall the end of my marriage and relate Elisabeth’s sharing her unique trekking experience.~~

Today twenty five years began my life as a single person again, as my wife then, left our marriage. It was an Easter weekend that she just stayed away, saying she was looking after a friend who needed her help. I think she was that friend.

It was a shock to me at the time, though I knew that our marriage had become dysfunctional and a painful affair in which I knew myself to be unhappy, yet would deny y own feelings. Some time before, I had been reading ’s “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” and I concluded that Ivan was a happier man than I was, as I closed that little book. I did not want to face that failure of our marriage; it just had to work, yet it did not, so Ina, my wife then, took that fateful and final step twenty five tears ago.

We completed our marriage I came to name it as our sons had left the parental home long before. With that notion I found peace …

Over the years I have come to see that she had the better judgment, because we emerged from this ordeal of letting go more at peace in the end. We have been able to maintain an occasional contact, but even that can be trying still.

This going our own way became for me slowly a liberating experience as the need to maintain a hurtful relation, had been removed from my to-do list. It meant facing the fact that the old promise of my wedding day had come to completion as I called that in the end. We completed our marriage I came to name it as our sons had left the parental home long before. With that notion I found peace with this ending and remain thankful for all we experienced together.

Yesterday, Elisabeth came over with her computer to show me her pictures of her Nepalese trekking adventure. What a wonderful experience that was for her and such stamina at her age. Six full days of hiking a long mountainous trails is not for the faint hearted. And as Elisabeth was relating her experiences viewing those pictures, she was all there again reliving her experience, carrying me right along with her like weightless backpack:-). Thanks Elisabeth and congrats with such an adventure and if truth be told, I‘m a bit jealous too, as I know that such hiking days lay behind me. So, I was there hiking right along with her as we sat on the couch!

Writings: Infinite Intelligence considered:


~~Yesterday’s promise is addressed with some of my thoughts, views and consequences of ’Infinite Intelligence’ as a concept of ’the higher power’.~~

Yesterday I promised to comment on ‘Infinite Intelligence’, but did not; so here now follow some of my thoughts. Infinity is something that does not increase when we add to it, not diminishes when we take from it. This means that we can’t comprehend something that is infinite and therefore will remain a mystery to us, although we may come to know something about it. I call that ‘a knowable mystery’ meaning that we know something about it, but a mystery it remains.

It is my view that we live in our known daily world surrounded by mystery, which at times interrupts our experience framework, adding something to it that we should incorporate!

My second observation is that the term ‘infinite intelligence’ is used as a term for ‘God’ as a less personified concept of ‘the higher power‘. But, why limit ourselves to just the aspect of ‘intelligence’? What about ‘infinite love’ or ‘infinite power’?

I prefer to simply use the term ‘Mystery’ as each separate infinite aspect is itself a mystery because of being infinite. It is my view that we live in our known daily world which is surrounded by mystery, which at times interrupts our experience framework, adding something to it that we should incorporate!

We may also compare the various mentioned ’god aspects’ with the phenomenon of ‘the many Names of God’ as we find that in Islam, Judaism and Ancient Egypt. You might even make a case that the ‘Ninety-nine names of God’ relate to polytheism.

I interpret the multi names as evidence of humans becoming conscious of such concepts as our religions developed over time. They can be viewed as revelation of ‘God’ to the believers of such feeling values becoming acceptable in society.

For example, in Antiquity ‘sympathy’ was viewed upon as a character weakness that had to be overcome. This is why Christianity with its value of ‘charity’ was frowned as inappropriate. Now, of you assign ‘compassion’ as an attribute to ‘god’ then holding such a value in regard becomes acceptable and can be practiced in society. That is the functionality of this process and also its value for human society.

Daily Entry: 2018-04-04

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