Yesterday we had Spring and now not so much, but temps are around zero, that helps. I’m waiting for the sun to shine and then it will be spring again!
The second laundry load is in and I’ve been out already to get my Globy. No word about a coffee from John so far.
Yesterday I visited with friends at the Palliser where Herman had a talk about ‘What’s meant to be’. For this Herman used the Genesis text in which God says: ’It was good’ about the creation and the New Testament gospels of John-9 and Luke-24 as illustrations of how good can come from ‘the bad’.
I capsulated Hermans points and views in: “Suffering in the details of life contrast with intent and purpose - for the good- in the overall perspective.” Herman closed with quoting Ecclesiastes 3:11 ‘God has made things suitable for its time’ and saying that God is the Creator and Infinite Intelligence.Suffering in the details of life contrast with intent and purpose - for the good- in the overall perspective.
Next and last load due at 9:25am which will also call for the folding and hanging of the first dryer’s load items. Then it will be time for a coffee and a quick look at the headlines. I am in particular curious about the commentaries regarding yesterday’s mini summit between Trudeau, our Notley and BC’s Horgan. It is an interesting conflict of interests and political forces as BC’s government has no majority.
Last Saturday I did intense dusting including some items that had never before seen a dust cloth. I must say it made a noticeable difference. I also gave the floors an once over lightly with the vacuum cleaner. And I am removing clutter items from my desks and will put them in a clutter box so I can easily rotate them when I feel that’s called for! So, well organised … when I want to!