, Wednesday. Clear, cool and spring temps.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Daily events:


~~I recount the event of my day gone by.~~

No entry for yesterday. I had an 8-am coffee with John, then got the paper and read some till lunch. It was followed by a snooze, tea and some desk work, filing and getting the wall decorations out from years of storage. This in prep for coming Saturday. This was followed by another snooze - I was up early, remember - dinner preparation.

After dinner I emailed about six people with links and short reports, searched the Calgary Public library catalogue. I also did the dishes and watched the CTV news, CBC has play-off hockey. Finally I made a few notes for my ‘Conciliation’ talk and went to bed!

Writings: Conciliation notes:


~~Last nights thoughts combine with this mornings insights.~~

Last night I made some short notes relating to my June talk as follows, paraphrasing:
Humanity at present is in the process of defining a new identity for itself as chosen people - all of humanity - now located in the promised land, being our planet Earth. This is an evolutionary process of which we are in charge!

We humans have become conscious of our own evolutionary path, development informed by our long traditions and have so become participants in this process, taking on more responsibility …

This morning I thought you could say that we are in the process of discovering and forming the ‘new heaven’ and the ‘new earth’.
And now elaborating I add:

We humans have become conscious of our own evolutionary path, development informed by our long traditions and have so become participants in this process, taking on more responsibility for its further unfolding and potentials to be realised.

We are no longer waiting for things to come about, but are now responsible for guiding the forces of the various global political and social processes that seek expression. Rather than only blaming the other party we should take some of the blame ourselves and all of us must ask how we can best cooperate for the greatest common benefit, rather than play for advantage in a game of one up man ship. That will always be present, must now become a lower priority.
<9:23am and 9:32 with edit~

Daily Entry: 2018-04-18

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