Last night’s notes are marked in progression by means of their recording times as follows:
Added notes to the writings of 2018-04-18; 10:20pm.
…. As if a ‘new earth & heaven‘.
Also: new or renewing earth & heaven … So a process we are engaged in/ with and/ as responsible participants; ~ bringing the future state into reality the best we can; this we should recognise as our own human process and contribution to Existence Divine.
11:30pm: Look at the ‘New Heaven and Earth’ NOT as a final state, BUT as a process of becoming/ attaining such a state as an ideal to which to aim, rather than attain.
-- we are in a process of renewal which is our state of being ~ becoming!
11:35pm: And so we are engaged in a process of renewal - continuously - of heaven & earth, [which Bible depicts as a final state]
11:45pm: So we are all engaged in this process of realising ‘Heaven on Earth’; which is a metaphor for our state of existence in Existence Divine.
END of notes. <11:45am~