I have some notes to add from early this morning, just past midnight, with some relating insights from this morning. I’ll do the latter first.
I was entertaining ‘New Heaven and Earth’ as some thing we can strive for, which made me think of the way ‘New Thought’ affirms intended results. It claims the outcome and affirms the blessings, I often note. But, I was still not in harmony about these two together.
New Heaven and Earth is one of those shrill Christian empire type ideas. They have a totalitarian aspect I always feel in that they appear as super human and not as humanely.
Next came the idea to combine the two mentioned concepts with ‘Existence Divine’ which includes all there is and facilitates all our human religious and secular beliefs. Existence Divine assures that this Christian notion of New Heaven and Earth will be contained and not become an enthralment. This needs some working out, but at least I did get the concept combination down for the record.
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Rather than wait for the revelation of the New Heaven and Earth to come, we use the New Thought approach of affirming that we work towards it, bringing it about!
Notes relating to Daily Entry from yesterday the 19th of April 2018.
00:05am, Friday the 20th.
1) Kingdom of Heaven and Earth as a final state.
2) But that is in the end of time bestowed on us.
3) Given human development we are on the way towards this (symbolic) end state.
4) As we live, we are progressing/ working our way to this future state with [in] our present lives in our existence today as purpose of being & living.
As we so live, we accept being in a knowable mystery and living in an imperfect world, which is improving due to our efforts since 60k years ago.
00:30am: Rather than wait for the revelation of the New Heaven and Earth to come, we use the New Thought approach of affirming that we work towards it, bringing it about!
Find the text to support you in this endeavour, like the purist and the heretic find theirs!
END of notes.
<10:01am and 10:38am after coffee and edit.