My insight is expressed as follows:
“All human religions are revelatory traditions of Existence Divine in the knowable mystery of existence.” Under religions I include ideologies and other reference frameworks that we human deploy to order the world of our experience, all of which have religious characteristics as per the five categories of theology. <7:57am- off for coffee and more …
Continuing at 10:41am >
Such specific revelations for people and circumstance led over time, to the development of many differing religious traditions.
Revelations are specific to Time, Place, People and Circumstance, which is a recognised principle in theology. Revelations have to be specific in order to be effective. Such specific revelations for people and circumstance led over time, to the development of many differing religious traditions.
Revelations occur when boundary conditions are encountered. This is the case when a situation develops that cannot be solved by traditional means, that is when people are faced with the end of what is known to them. This in turn is the precondition for being open to something untraditional or new in other words.
Over time these experiences are memorialised and handed down in the oral tradition by means of stories and later in recorded form known as ‘scripture’. This way we have now a record of how humanity coped as societies developed, becoming more sophisticated over time until this very day. To ignore such records is more foolish then dismissing the value and contributions to human civilisation of history, archaeology and anthropology combined.