We are having a week long of summer like temps with sun, some wind and cool nights. The lilacs are out with the choke cherries as company among many other flowers, including tulips and daffodils. Spring in abundance after our long, cold and snowy winter!
Tomorrow John and I will attend a concert at Knox and …
At noon I plan to join my friends at Knox, while later in the aft Rene will come by as I am joining him and Eve, I presume for an outdoor get together in this nice weather. Tomorrow John and I will attend a concert at Knox and on Friday I have lunch with Herman.
He will be expecting my write up for my August 12 talk titled “World Belief Teachings” for which I have a gathering of thoughts and ideas that need to be forged into a short description. Besides short, is also needs to be easy to understand and inviting for the ‘hearer’ to come and listen!
Under writings today I want to explain some additional thoughts and insights relating to yesterday’s writings regarding revelations and our human traditions.