, Friday. Sunny with morning coolness now and afternoon heat later!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Two trips software and writings:


~~Coffee walk and upload trip combine with software install and World Belief writings.~~

Yesterday a morning coffee with Elisabeth at Beano and our walk back to 4th street for the bus. In the aft I make my way to 7/11 to get my phone credits increased from 7 cents to 50$$. This is good for about half a year, but I do not want to keep doing it this way, as my trip to that store is becoming too much of an outing in the winter.

In the evening I struggled with the Adobe Photo software installation to no avail. I have forgotten my admin password for my Certy computer. I suspect that I need it to properly install the downloaded software from the Adobe site. I have no CD drive on this computer, which would have made for on easier install. In the evening Michelle came by to discuss the lack of power in the utility room and her earlier evening mountain bike trip.

Preserve the old while forming the new way forward using past experience as a guide, is king of the objective here.

After she left I continued my writings for my World Belief talk filling pages 9, 10 and 11 partly in my yellow thin Hilroy note book titled “World Belief Teachings”. I have no title for this writing yet, but through it I attempt to formulate a belief framework that is informed by our human handed down traditions, but now becomes the responsibility of our modern humanity to continue forward. Preserve the old while forming the new way forward using past experience as a guide, is king of the objective here. I will add these written pages below under writings as an appendix.

Writings: World Belief Formulation:


~~Stand alone appendix relating to my August talk ‘World Belief Teachings’.~~

From pages 9, 10 and 11 of my yellow Hilroy note book entry dated 2018 - 07 - 19; 10:25pm, Thursd.

World belief is not a new belief in addition to the existing ones, but a way of looking at all the present world beliefs. A way or manner of accommodating, living with and appreciating such a variety of believes. Why is that we have such a variety, while yet they have common elements such as beginning, identity, human place [in existence], human nature and conduct, laws and community and future anticipations and explanations of the human situation and the universal ‘directive’ -[I.e] intent and attempt to improve human conduct!? A way forward, though they differ.

* Difference [comes] from TPPC (Time, place, people and circumstance dependent revelations).
* We need to change some of the teachings such as: we are more unique than the other because … .
* Humans exist in interaction with the universe - as Existence Divine - and not apart from it, but with it and that interaction is reflected, recorded as experience in the handed down traditions each one in its own unique way.

That we fight about this among ourselves is based on our view that is limited to our tradition being the only true one, thus limiting the totality of Existence Divine to just a single form/style of traditional expression.
Today we must come to the realisation that each tradition is an expression of Existence Divine that expresses in this diversity and continues to do so continuously adding, expressing and changing in “time.” --> p.10

If you then point to other traditions’ missteps and crimes as proof that they are therefore not worthy, you must then recall the many crimes that your own tradition has committed in history. This latter point emphasises and points at the need for each belief and tradition to know and acknowledge its own full [and] complete records of achievements and failures.

No reconciliation is possible without owning up to one’s own belief’s missteps and crimes. We therefore need to acknowledge all the sayings of Jesus [in the case of Christianity] and not just the ones about peace and love, as is done so often. All needs to be included in order to prevent us from developing and maintaining a biased view that then will be countered by the biased/slanted view of the other-believer<11:25pm.

Only under this condition are [can] we trust ourselves to independently go forward …

* How are Jesus blessings to be used. Drawing in notes: Jesus statue in the “Gedachtnis Kirche broken tower” in Berlin where Jesus blesses the visitor with his mouth in a doubtfully turned down like a sad face.

* Only through all inclusiveness of our histories can we be assured of the ethics of our choices today.
Only under this condition are [can] we trust ourselves to independently go forward, always double checking against our former transgressions and achievements as hallmarks.

And this is why we need to honour, value and use the handed down tradition along with our modern insights.
This then can become our way forward, setting our own course adding to the handed down heritage but not being limited by it, and moving beyond its set identity limits, but [and rather] opening up to the tolerant acceptance of the diversity of our human traditions as an asset to be used to enhance our way forward, enriching our human existence in Existence Divine. <11:35pm.

* Just as the conservative checks against the handed down standard, so the progressive checks ensuring new ways are explored extending from the present into an enhanced action and aim.
END of recorded notes from 2018-07-19.
Today the 20th at 10:30am.~

Daily Entry: 2018-07-20

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