A bit late today, but it’s still morning! Nicer weather than yesterday, which was supposed to be the best day of the week. That maybe today. Nevertheless, Jack and I had our much postponed birthday lunch at the Selkirk at Heritage park! We had a good connect going over this years events sharing our experiences. But, much to my consternation, Jack told me that a medical scan turned up unwelcome news for a family member. As a result I related my experience of last year when I had to say good bye to my late sister Els in august of that year.
However, we also related other events, experiences and opinions not to forget. Also the plans ahead got a turn, as well as our expectations regarding our Palliser meetings on Sundays. Jack is quite busy at ‘The Westview” with sessions involving the local residents there. We paid our bills of 30$$ each and 6$$ for me as I took care of the parking. This I discovered belatedly is free for the first 90minutes, when visiting the Park front shops and restaurants as we did. Next time better. Jack drove me home and we wished each other strength and fortitude under the circumstances.
I will report all the descriptions below under ‘Writings'.
Later in the day and evening I composed some more talk descriptions, with a last one this morning before breakfast! The 11th one would you believe. I will report some below under ‘Writings’.
The roofer was busy yesterday and is going right now, ‘roofing while the sun shines’ to coin a new version of a well known saying about haying. My milk turned before its date so I’ll have to go out and get a fresh one and a paper. The latter on account of the high powered trade negotiations that are going on between Canada and Trump’s motley crew.